How to write a Python's module that acts like a user ?

The user start an application that has a GUI. Then the user press some keys
( for example: a b enter tab enter ...) to interact with the application's
GUI. How to write a python's module that acts like the user,i.e.: [1] start
the application (this is easy!) [2] "press" the keys the GUI is waiting for
(this is what i want to know how to do). [3]IMPORTANT: The application can
not be modifyed. It can be just executed.



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I don't know how to do that with Python or how to do that
platform-independently, but on Win32 you can read certain properties of the
GUI elements and can send them messages. AutoIt3 (that's not Python)
provides a nice set of tools for facilitating exactly that.



On 2006-07-24 13:15:42, baitelli wrote:

The user start an application that has a GUI. Then the user press some keys
( for example: a b enter tab enter ...) to interact with the application's
GUI. How to write a python's module that acts like the user,i.e.: [1] start
the application (this is easy!) [2] "press" the keys the GUI is waiting for
(this is what i want to know how to do). [3]IMPORTANT: The application can
not be modifyed. It can be just executed.

With the Win32 API, you would use such methods as FindWindow, FindWindowEx, SendMessage, PostMessage, etc… but this won’t work anywhere else.

Check out the API Viewer that comes with VC++ and Spy++.

Best regards,


On 7/24/06, baitelli wrote:

The user start an application that has a GUI. Then the user press some keys
( for example: a b enter tab enter …) to interact with the application’s
GUI. How to write a python’s module that acts like the user,
i.e.: [1] start
the application (this is easy!) [2] “press” the keys the GUI is waiting for
(this is what i want to know how to do). [3]IMPORTANT: The application can
not be modifyed. It can be just executed.



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-Richard Burton

Alternatively, one could hack up a VNC client to directly send keyboard
events, etc., to a running OS, with a little work to make sure that the
desired application has focus. This would work on any host platform
with a VNC server (Windows, Linux, Mac). It would certainly take some
work to get the VNC client set up to do such things, but it would be the
most cross-platform capable.

Personally, I have found that the Windows API functions available to
Python don't always work as expected. I had personally attempted to
script the DirectShow GraphEdt application using keyboard events
(hotkeys, menu navigation, toolbar buttons, etc.), but discovered that
none of it worked; only actually getting the menu item and activating it
directly worked for me.

- Josiah


"Richard Burton" <> wrote:

With the Win32 API, you would use such methods as FindWindow, FindWindowEx,
SendMessage, PostMessage, etc.. but this won't work anywhere else.

Check out the API Viewer that comes with VC++ and Spy++.

Best regards,

On 7/24/06, baitelli <> wrote:
> Hi
> The user start an application that has a GUI. Then the user press some
> keys
> ( for example: a b enter tab enter ...) to interact with the application's
> GUI. How to write a python's module that acts like the user,i.e.: [1]
> start
> the application (this is easy!) [2] "press" the keys the GUI is waiting
> for
> (this is what i want to know how to do). [3]IMPORTANT: The application can
> not be modifyed. It can be just executed.
> baitelli,r.
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-Richard Burton

baitelli wrote:

The user start an application that has a GUI. Then the user press some keys
( for example: a b enter tab enter ...) to interact with the application's
GUI. How to write a python's module that acts like the user,i.e.: [1] start
the application (this is easy!) [2] "press" the keys the GUI is waiting for
(this is what i want to know how to do). [3]IMPORTANT: The application can
not be modifyed. It can be just executed.


pywinauto home page

For windows, take a look at pywinauto ( and sendkeys (


Pierre Rouleau