Thanks for the advice. I'm using Windows XP. I added
C:\Python24\Scripts\ to my PATH variable, but still it can't find the
pywrap command. I tried running the command
pywrap (which is the example in the book)
from both the Scripts directory and the directory where I saved the
file. It doesn't work in either case (I'm sure the second case is the
proper way). I see that there is a file called pywrap in my Scripts
folder, and it's in my PATH now, but I still get the command not found
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robin Dunn <>
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2006 14:42:42 -0700
Subject: Re: [wxPython-users] How to wrap a program with PyCrust?
John Salerno wrote:
> Hi everyone. I'm reading wxPython in Action and I'd like to try using
> PyCrust as the book suggests in Chapter 4, but I don't understand how
> to use PyWrap. All the book says is to run
> $ pywrap <module>.py
> at the command prompt, from the directory where the module is located.
> But the obvious problem is that pywrap is not detected. Nor is it when
> I run this line from the directory that contains PyCrust, et al. So
> I'm wondering, what do I need to put in my PATH variable to allow
> pywrap to work on my command line?It depends on what platform you are on and where your wxPython package
came from. On OSX, Linux and other unixes the standard packages (or if
you build and install from source) will put pywrap and the other tool
scripts into the same bin dir that python is located in, but I don't
know if all of the various vendor packages will install them or not.On Windows there are some batch files put into the <PythonDir>\scripts
folder, so you'll want to make sure that is on the PATH--
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!