Within a horizontal BoxSizer How do I vertically align the
bottom of a StaticBitmap with the baseline of a StaticText?
IOW, what I want is:
> >
> bitmap>
> >
>_______| Text
Calling hsizer.Add(...,flag=wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM) isn't the answer,
since that gives me somthing like this:
> >
> bitmap>
> > Text
I presume it's aligning the bottom of the bitmap with the
bottom of a bounding box that includes room for descenders. I
don't want to vertically align things with the bottom of the
font's lowest bounding box, I want to align things with the
font's baseline.
Is this possible?
Is there a way to get a font's baseline to lower-bounding-box
offset and then offset the text position "manually"?
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