How to save the contents of a wxTreeCtrl

Well, it seems that Amos want to save this tree to file in human
readable format - in that case cPickle is not a solution, as well as
storing the whole list as is.

It also seems to me that the following format is simple and human

  Child 2
  Child that has sub-childs
  Child 3
  Child 4

(you show the nesting level with appropriate amount of spaces).

I also would suggest not to store Tree as a nested lists, but to write a
class. I've attached the example that I've just written which can write
itself to file and read itself from file. Enjoy ;).

Victor. (3.35 KB)


Sincerely Yours, Victor V. Kryukov, UFG
phone: +7501 967 3727, ext. 4387

-----Original Message-----
From: Shi Sherebrin []
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: [wxPython-users] How to save the contents of a wxTreeCtrl

Amos Joshua wrote:
> too, what I'm thinking about is what
> format is the best one to save it to a file (which would be
easy to read
> too)? Maybe just write the list as it is; even though I
can't think of

How about using Python's pickle module? My understanding is
that's what
it was designed for...


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Another option if you want human readable text representation of a nested
list would be to use yaml ( It uses indentation to indicate
subobjects and looks a fair amount like what's below. (It also handles
dicts, ints, floats, strings and probably some other things).



----- Original Message -----
From: "Krjukov Victor" <>

Well, it seems that Amos want to save this tree to file in human
readable format - in that case cPickle is not a solution, as well as
storing the whole list as is.

It also seems to me that the following format is simple and human

  Child 2
  Child that has sub-childs
  Child 3
  Child 4

(you show the nesting level with appropriate amount of spaces).

I also would suggest not to store Tree as a nested lists, but to write a
class. I've attached the example that I've just written which can write
itself to file and read itself from file. Enjoy ;).


Sincerely Yours, Victor V. Kryukov, UFG
phone: +7501 967 3727, ext. 4387

-----Original Message-----
From: Shi Sherebrin []
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: [wxPython-users] How to save the contents of a wxTreeCtrl

Amos Joshua wrote:
> too, what I'm thinking about is what
> format is the best one to save it to a file (which would be
easy to read
> too)? Maybe just write the list as it is; even though I
can't think of

How about using Python's pickle module? My understanding is
that's what
it was designed for...


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