How to populate wx.ComboBox with query result

Hi all,

I'm using pysqlite with wxpython and I want populate a wx.ComboBox
with the result of query, but I've no idea how.

the code I'm using is this :

pysqlite's query :

con = sqlite.connect("database.db")
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select descr from category")
print cur.fetchall() # stdout work fine :slight_smile:

the result of query :
[(u'Pippo',), (u'Pluto',)]

How can I store this result in the wx.ComboBox?

the code of the widget I've place in class MyFrame :

cb_category = wx.ComboBox(panel, -1, "", pos=(160, 54),
        choices = ["1","2","3"],

choices = [] # I want populate this, but I don't know how

links, suggests, code are welcomes ... thanks at all


Massimiliano Marini -
"It's easier to invent the future than to predict it." -- Alan Kay