How to pass data to a frame

Hi :

I new with wxPython.

I am using Boa Constructor to create a small system.

I create the menu and menubar.

I have a file that is the main.

The menu bar call a frame tha has a fin process.

After find records, i need call a frame that has a form for the based table.

The problem is that i dont now how to do it.

I now how to call it, but not whith parameters.

Can you help my?

Thanks in advance

Alejandro Michelin Salomon

Porto Alegre


I create the menu and menubar.

I have a file that is the main.

The menu bar call a frame tha has a fin process.

What is this “fin” process? I don’t understand. Do you mean that the menu has an item which creates a dialog box, or a child frame? They are two different things.

After find records, i need call a frame that has a form for the based table.

The problem is that i dont now how to do it.

I now how to call it, but not whith parameters.

I would advise you to create a subclass of whatever you are creating. From your description, I think you are using a wx.Dialog or a wx.Frame as a child frame. So let’s say you’re creating a wx.Dialog, you would want to make your form dialog a subclass of wx.Dialog:

class FormDialog(wx.Dialog):
def init(self, parent, id, title, parameter1, parameter2):

wx.Dialog.init(self, parent, id, title)

def doSomething(self):

def doSomethingElse(self):

It’s the same idea for a wx.Frame, although you’d have to change around the arguments in the init function. I’m not sure if this is what you want, though.

If you post your code, we can help you more easily. It’s hard to understand your problem without seeing the code.


On 7/14/06, Alejandro Michelin Salomon ( Adinet ) wrote:

This is de code generated by boa constructor :

import wx
import wx.lib.masked.textctrl

def create(parent):
    return systems_new(parent)

] = [wx.NewId() for _init_ctrls in range(10)]

class systems_new(wx.Frame): ---> I need pass some data to this frame create
inside this class. How i do it?
    def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
        # generated method, don't edit
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, id=wxID_SYSTEMS_NEW, name='systems_new',
              parent=prnt, pos=wx.Point(365, 130), size=wx.Size(584, 552),
              style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, title='Systems Form')
        self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(576, 525))
        self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(237, 237, 237))

        self.staticText1 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_SYSTEMS_NEWSTATICTEXT1,
              label='Systems Form', name='staticText1', parent=self,
              pos=wx.Point(232, 0), size=wx.Size(112, 24), style=1)
        self.staticText1.SetFont(wx.Font(10, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD,
              False, 'Verdana'))
        self.staticText1.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(170, 43, 47))

        self.SystemDescription =
              label='Description :', name='SystemDescription', parent=self,
              pos=wx.Point(32, 64), size=wx.Size(77, 14), style=0)
        self.SystemDescription.SetFont(wx.Font(9, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL,
              False, 'Tahoma'))

        self.txtsysdescription =
              name='txtsysdescription', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(128, 64),
              size=wx.Size(250, 21), style=1, value='')
        self.txtsysdescription.SetToolTipString('System Description')

        self.CreationDate = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_SYSTEMS_NEWCREATIONDATE,
              label='Creation Date :', name='CreationDate', parent=self,
              pos=wx.Point(16, 104), size=wx.Size(93, 14), style=0)
        self.CreationDate.SetFont(wx.Font(9, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD,
              False, 'Tahoma'))

        self.CretationDate =
              name='CretationDate', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(136, 104),
              size=wx.Size(78, 22), style=0, value=' / / ')
        self.CretationDate.SetDescription('DD.MM.YYYY 24Hr Time\n(w/o




        self.lblObservations =
              label='Observations :', name='lblObservations', parent=self,
              pos=wx.Point(16, 160), size=wx.Size(88, 14), style=0)
        self.lblObservations.SetFont(wx.Font(9, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL,
              False, 'Tahoma'))

        self.txtobservations =
              name='txtobservations', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(120, 160),
              size=wx.Size(400, 160), style=0, value='')
        self.txtobservations.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL,
              False, 'Tahoma'))

        self.btnSaveSystem = wx.Button(id=wxID_SYSTEMS_NEWBTNSAVESYSTEM,
              label='Save', name='btnSaveSystem', parent=self,
              440), size=wx.Size(75, 23), style=0)
        self.btnSaveSystem.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnBtnSaveSystemButton,

        self.btnCloseSystem = wx.Button(id=wxID_SYSTEMS_NEWBTNCLOSESYSTEM,
              label='Close', name='btnCloseSystem', parent=self,
              pos=wx.Point(296, 440), size=wx.Size(75, 23), style=0)
        self.btnCloseSystem.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnBtnCloseSystemButton,

    def __init__(self, parent):

    def OnBtnSaveSystemButton(self, event):

    def OnBtnCloseSystemButton(self, event):

-----Mensagem original-----


De: Saketh Bhamidipati []
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 14 de julho de 2006 13:07
Assunto: Re: [wxPython-users] How to pass data to a frame

On 7/14/06, Alejandro Michelin Salomon ( Adinet ) <> wrote:
I create the menu and menubar.

I have a file that is the main.
The menu bar call a frame tha has a fin process.

What is this "fin" process? I don't understand. Do you mean that the menu
has an item which creates a dialog box, or a child frame? They are two
different things.

After find records, i need call a frame that has a form for the based table.

The problem is that i dont now how to do it.

I now how to call it, but not whith parameters.

I would advise you to create a subclass of whatever you are creating. From
your description, I think you are using a wx.Dialog or a wx.Frame as a child
frame. So let's say you're creating a wx.Dialog, you would want to make your
form dialog a subclass of wx.Dialog:

class FormDialog(wx.Dialog):
    def __init__(self, parent, id, title, parameter1, parameter2):

wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title)

    def doSomething(self):


    def doSomethingElse(self):


It's the same idea for a wx.Frame, although you'd have to change around the
arguments in the __init__ function. I'm not sure if this is what you want,

If you post your code, we can help you more easily. It's hard to understand
your problem without seeing the code.


Alejandro Michelin Salomon ( Adinet ) wrote:

This is de code generated by boa constructor :

Not quit everything, is it :slight_smile: .

I attached (much better/easier, just do a save as and run it) a modified version.

I am not sure why you want to pass something to the constructor of the frame, I guess that you really want to load some data into the controls on your frame.

Depending were this data is coming from you have many options.
- if it comes from a database I would probably use validators, at least I do in my app. Check out LoadDataToWindow and LoadDataFromWindow and InitDialog.
- you could also create a method in your frame which you call to load the data into the controls - this is what the attached sample does - very simplistic.
- I am sure there are other ways

You might want to check out the following resources:
gmane.comp.ide.boa-constructor.user - subscribe to this list for boa specific questions
The wxPython in Action book - check on the wxPython site

Hope this helps
Werner (5.05 KB)


       self.CretationDate =
             name='CretationDate', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(136, 104),
             size=wx.Size(78, 22), style=0, value=' / / ')
       self.CretationDate.SetDescription('DD.MM.YYYY 24Hr Time\n(w/o




How did you get boa to generate the SetValidRegex stuff for the masked.textctrl above, the way it is my copy of Boa (0.4.4) is complaining about it not being valid as is.

I just removed it as I don't think it is needed, at least I have not seen it in my code when I use this control. But if you let me know how you got it I will follow up on this with the Boa developer.


I modify your code.

The only modification is, the method is call in the caller function in the
menu module.
# Orignal
    def OnSystemsSystems_newMenu(self, event):
        import systems_new
        oSystmesForm = systems_new.create(self)
        return True

# Actualy
    def OnSystemsSystems_newMenu(self, event):
        import systems_new
        oSystmesForm = systems_new.create(self)
        data = ('a description', 'some text') # just for testing
        return True

Thanks a lot for your help.


-->-----Mensagem original-----
-->De: Werner F. Bruhin []
-->Enviada em: sexta-feira, 14 de julho de 2006 14:43
-->Assunto: Re: RES: [wxPython-users] How to pass data to a frame
-->Alejandro Michelin Salomon ( Adinet ) wrote:
-->>This is de code generated by boa constructor :
-->Not quit everything, is it :slight_smile: .
-->I attached (much better/easier, just do a save as and run
-->it) a modified
-->I am not sure why you want to pass something to the
-->constructor of the
-->frame, I guess that you really want to load some data into
-->the controls
-->on your frame.
-->Depending were this data is coming from you have many options.
-->- if it comes from a database I would probably use
-->validators, at least
-->I do in my app. Check out LoadDataToWindow and
-->LoadDataFromWindow and
-->- you could also create a method in your frame which you
-->call to load
-->the data into the controls - this is what the attached sample does -
-->very simplistic.
-->- I am sure there are other ways
-->You might want to check out the following resources:
-->gmane.comp.ide.boa-constructor.user - subscribe to this
-->list for boa
-->specific questions
-->The wxPython in Action book - check on the wxPython site
-->Hope this helps