Hi All,
inorder to move a file to the trash we use
shell.SHFileOperation((0, shellcon.FO_DELETE, 'somefilename', None,
This shell and shellcon modules are from pywin32.exe.
i want to move file to trash with out using shell and shellcon modules
IS there any alternative way?
IS there any wx method to do the same task?
I would appreciate your help
If you are just wanting to reduce the number of dependencies then you can access the same APIs with ctypes, which is included with Python now.
On 6/3/10 12:21 AM, steave waugh wrote:
Hi All,
inorder to move a file to the trash we use
shell.SHFileOperation((0, shellcon.FO_DELETE, 'somefilename', None,
This shell and shellcon modules are from pywin32.exe.
i want to move file to trash with out using shell and shellcon modules
IS there any alternative way?
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman