How to generate a wxPython documentation in PDF from HTML?

As I said in title, I downloaded the documentation from “” but it is in html, is there a way to transform it to PDF?


Looks like the docs are generated with Sphinx from these sources:

So you could run Sphinx yourself and make PDF out of them. This might require a bit of configuration, but it would work well.



On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 11:32 AM, Gourinda Adil wrote:

As I said in title, I downloaded the documentation from “” but it is in html, is there a way to transform it to PDF?


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Sorry if I said that your link is not for wxPython, why they don't have their documentation in PDF format?

Gourinda Adil wrote:

Sorry if I said that your link is not for wxPython, why they don't have their documentation in PDF format?

Because for most purposes, that's just not useful. This reference
material, not intended to be read from front to back. You're typically
going to be looking for some particular class or function, and the HTML
format offers indexing and hyperlinking.

And by the way, the wxWidgets docs will suffice in most cases. wxPython
is, after all, the Python binding to wxWidgets.


Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

1) In my view's point it not the matter of just reading some widgets but you are always linked to the internet connexion, and trust me even today the internet in accessible anywhere, so having a document with any where you are is better
2) a book generated by sphinx also accepts indexing and hyperlinking
3) I had suffered lot by trying to translate from "TCL" to Tkinter and I don't want to live the same experience with wxPhyton
4) The most important for me is that PDF aalow annotations so a better interaction with the documentation.

Thank you for your attention :slight_smile:

If you unpack the archive then you have all the files on your local machine, there is no need to be connected to the internet to read them. Just open the local index.html file in your browser and it will fetch everything from your local hard drive and you can browse the documentation offline.

There is also a docset bundle available for Dash and Zeal if you use one of those applications.



On Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at 3:08:04 PM UTC-7, Gourinda Adil wrote:

  1. In my view’s point it not the matter of just reading some widgets but you are always linked to the internet connexion, and trust me even today the internet in accessible anywhere, so having a document with any where you are is better
  2. a book generated by sphinx also accepts indexing and hyperlinking
  3. I had suffered lot by trying to translate from “TCL” to Tkinter and I don’t want to live the same experience with wxPhyton
  4. The most important for me is that PDF aalow annotations so a better interaction with the documentation.
    Thank you for your attention :slight_smile:

It’s an open source project — build your own PDF version if you want.

And once you’ve got it working maybe Robin will be willing to built it
as well, though I agree with Tim here— PDF is a worse format unless
you are going to print it.

And .....

1) In my view's point it not the matter of just reading some widgets but you are always linked to the internet connexion, and trust me even today the internet in accessible anywhere, so having a document with any where you are is better

You mean print it? Then sure. Otherwise, you can have the html version
offline, too.

2) a book generated by sphinx also accepts indexing and hyperlinking

Then go for it :slight_smile:

3) I had suffered lot by trying to translate from "TCL" to Tkinter and I don't want to live the same experience with wxPhyton

I do agree there, the nice wxPythkn specific docs are nice — though
using the C++ docs wasn’t bad. WxPython was a pretty direct mapping to
C++ (not quite as direct anymore)


thant to all of you, with your help the big part of my problem is solved now, what I will do now is to group classes as described in the book: "Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets" :slight_smile: