How to add caption bar to a Panel?


I want to have a panel with caption bar. Is there a way of achieving
this? I tried using an MDIChildFrame but the caption bar is as big as
the parent frame but I don't want this.



Subclass wx.Panel and do the following in the __init__():

   sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
   titlePanel = wx.Panel(self, -1)
   stext = wx.StaticText(titlePanel, -1, "Panel Caption")
   sizer.Add(titlePanel, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0)
# Add other widgets you want the panel to contain after this, eg. tree
or text control

If you need more help, please let me know.



On 10/4/05, Al <> wrote:


I want to have a panel with caption bar. Is there a way of achieving
this? I tried using an MDIChildFrame but the caption bar is as big as
the parent frame but I don't want this.


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Yes, I am talking about the title bar. I understand that a panel doesn't
have one but if I use an MDIChildFrame instead to get the same effect
its title bar is too big for me. I want a title bar of the size similar
to wxMiniFrame.


On Thu, 2005-10-06 at 19:53, Chris Mellon wrote:

What part of the theme are you talking about? If you mean a title
bar. then you have to use a wxFrame - by definition a panel does not
have one. If you want something thats not a title bar but uses the
same theme colors as one you'll have to draw it yourself. Theres a
number of functions you can use to help find the right theme options,
look at wx.SystemSettings