how pass loadfile() has argument?

hi i got the class of a treeCtrl and other StyledTextCtrl but in the
def event give errors saying that i can`t pass LoadFile has argument
Styled have nothing instead

i try to do it writing this

self.tree.activeitem = item
                if item != self.root:
                    #self.tree.SetItemBold(item, 1)

                    win = wx.Window.FindFocus()

but nope

   i replace this
          style = cStyledTxt(self, -1)

with that but no find the control

what i try to say is how i can pass Loadfile() to cStyled class from
the event of the tree class?

hi i got the class of a treeCtrl and other StyledTextCtrl but in the
def event give errors saying that i can`t pass LoadFile has argument
Styled have nothing instead

i try to do it writing this

self.tree.activeitem = item
                 if item != self.root:
                     #self.tree.SetItemBold(item, 1)

                     win = wx.Window.FindFocus()

but nope

    i replace this
           style = cStyledTxt(self, -1)

with that but no find the control

Because you are making a new instance of cStyledTxt, not accessing the existing one.

what i try to say is how i can pass Loadfile() to cStyled class from
the event of the tree class?

If you're in an event handler for the tree then it is likely the one with the focus, so FindFocus is giving you the tree not the STC. Instead you could save a reference to the STC someplace that you have access to later on in the tree event handler. (Such as in self, just like you have self.tree already.)


On 9/13/09 12:30 PM, iozk_Live wrote:

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman