Hiding mouse cursor when it's hovering over my app OR just ridding of it all together.

Is there a portable way to hide the mouse cursor while
my app runs? Just hiding it while it's hovering over
my app is good enough.

My app is running on a kiosk and I am unable to get
rid of the mouse cursor in the OS. So I must do so in
my app.


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aa bb wrote:

Is there a portable way to hide the mouse cursor while
my app runs? Just hiding it while it's hovering over
my app is good enough.

Maybe there is a better way, but you could try making a blank cursor with an all-transparent PNG (or other source), and use wx.SetCursor() or wx.Window.SetCursor() with the blank cursor.

Of course, it would still exist, even if the user couldn't see it, so you'd have to make sure there weren't any mouse events bound that could be fired accidentally.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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