Help with high DPI icons

Hi all,

I’m working on redoing the matplotlib wxpython toolbar ( As part of that, I’d like to start using their high resolution icons when available. However, I’m struggling with this. Let me just start by defining a high resolution screen as something where the GetContentScaleFactor() function returns >1 (on the screen I’m working with, a mac retina display, it returns 2).

At the moment I’m working on MacOS, but ideally I’d like a solution that works on all platforms.

The toolbar icons are 24x24 in normal size, 48x48 in large size.

Here’s what I have at the moment:

  1. On MacOS, if you have icons with names like back.png and back@2x.png, if you’re on a high resolution screen it automatically grabs the @2x version, and does something either with resizing or virtual pixels to make it come out the right size. It’s basically magic to me, but it works fine.

  2. The matplotlib resources ( don’t fit this naming convention, they instead have names like back.png and back_large.png.

  3. If I rename back_large.png to back@2x.png it works great on MacOS. Image is correct size and sharp (i.e. StaticBitmap size is 24x24)

  4. If I load the large image, it displays at the full size on my monitor, which means scaled up and fuzzy (i.e. StaticBitmap size is 48x48 instead of 24x24)

  5. If I load the large image and scale it by 2, the image is the correct size and fuzzy (i.e. StaticBitmap size is 24x24).

  6. When I load back.png on MacOS with a content scale factor of 2, so it’s really loading back@2x.png, the Bitmap size is 48x48 but the StaticBitmap created from it has a size of 24x24. When I load back_large.png on MacOS with a content scale factor of 2, the Bitmap size is 48x48 and the StaticBitmap created from it has a size of 48x48.

Point 6 makes me feel like there’s some magic scale variable somewhere that I’m missing, or something like that.

Is there a way to handle this in a platform independent (or dependent) way that doesn’t require renaming the matplotlib resources? I know that wxpython 4.10 is introducing some new ways of dealing with scaling, is this something that just has to wait for that release?

My current test platform:
MacOS 10.14
wxpython 4.07post2 (installed via conda from conda-forge)


  • Jesse

Since I’m only allowed to put two links in a post, here’s a relevant post from about 6 months ago:

And here’s another relevant link I’ve looked at:!msg/wx-dev/jNLA-zA6zTw/hUIwqpCuBwAJ

I’m also aware that even if I get the images to load and display properly, there seem to be issues with buffered DCs and using high resolution textures. But since I think that is an upstream issue, getting it working as best I can here, and hoping that wxwidgets fixes the underlying issues at some point seems like the best option. A relevant link:

I am unsure how is it relevant and if it will help on mac, but this is how I approach image loading:

    def loadBitmap(cls, name, location):
        if cls.gen_scale is None:
            cls.gen_scale = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().GetContentScaleFactor()
            # cls.gen_scale = 1 if 'wxGTK' in wx.PlatformInfo else wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow().GetContentScaleFactor()
            cls.res_scale = math.ceil(cls.gen_scale)  # We provide no images with non-int scaling factor
        # Find the biggest image we have, according to our scaling factor
        filename = img = None
        current_res_scale = cls.res_scale
        while img is None and current_res_scale > 0:
            filename, img = cls.loadScaledBitmap(name, location, current_res_scale)
            if img is not None:
            current_res_scale -= 1

        if img is None:
            pyfalog.warning("Missing icon file: {0}/{1}".format(location, filename))
            return None

        w, h = img.GetSize()
        extraScale = cls.gen_scale / current_res_scale

        bmp = wx.Bitmap(img.Scale(int(w * extraScale), int(h * extraScale)))
        return bmp

    def loadScaledBitmap(cls, name, location, scale=1):
        """Attempts to load a scaled bitmap.

            name (str): TypeID or basename of the image being requested.
            location (str): Path to a location that may contain the image.
            scale (int): Scale factor of the image variant to load.

            (str, wx.Image): Tuple of the filename that may have been loaded and the image at that location. The
                filename will always be present, but the image may be ``None``.
        filename = "{0}@{1}x.png".format(name, scale)
        img = cls.loadImage(filename, location)
        if img is None and scale == 1:
            filename = "{0}.png".format(name)
            img = cls.loadImage(filename, location)
        return filename, img

I get current scale factor, round to the closest integer up, get corresponding image (in my case, they are stored using convention you mentioned - img@1x.png, img@2x.png etc), load it and do some extra scaling for case of non-integer resizing. Mind you, I just modified this code and haven’t actually tested it yet.

But i haven’t tested it on windows and mac because I can’t find a way to use hires bitmaps on gtk - it seems to upscale them for me. Seems like I will just force scale factor of 1 there.

edit: oh almost forgot, for macOS you have to downsize bitmap - it does not lose any details and gets proper size:

bmp.SetSize((bmp.GetWidth() // scale, bmp.GetHeight() // scale))

I removed this bit from image loader for now since I am testing it on windows and linux mostly.