Having trouble with gridsizer and scrollablewindow

I am trying to fit a whole bunch of rows onto a notebook tab, that are
generated via a button. They all get bunched up, and I am just not
"seeing" my problem. I am wondering if you can help me get over this
hurdle. What I have is anywhere from 40-300 rows that I want to be

The rows consist of:
    label_1 = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, -1, fn, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT |
    checkbox_1 = wx.CheckBox(self.panel_1, -1, "")
    choice_1 = wx.Choice(self.panel_1, -1, choices=['=', '!=', '<',
'<=', '>', '>=', 'contains'])
    text_ctrl_1 = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_1, -1, "")
    choice_2 = wx.Choice(self.panel_1, -1, choices=['and', 'or'])

But they are getting all bunched up with no scrollbars.


Here is the code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# generated by wxGlade 0.6.3 on Sun Jun 12 09:29:16 2011

import wx

# begin wxGlade: extracode
# end wxGlade

class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
        # begin wxGlade: MyFrame.__init__
        kwds["style"] = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
        self.notebook_1 = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style=0)
        self.notebook_1_pane_1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook_1, -1)
        self.panel_1 = wx.ScrolledWindow(self.notebook_1_pane_1, -1,
        self.button_1 = wx.Button(self, -1, "button_1")


        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClick, self.button_1)
        # end wxGlade

    def __set_properties(self):
        # begin wxGlade: MyFrame.__set_properties
        self.panel_1.SetScrollRate(10, 10)
        # end wxGlade

    def __do_layout(self):
        # begin wxGlade: MyFrame.__do_layout
        sizer_1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        sizer_2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        grid_sizer_1 = wx.GridSizer(3, 5, 10, 5)
        sizer_1.Add(self.button_1, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0)
        sizer_2.Add(self.panel_1, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
        self.notebook_1.AddPage(self.notebook_1_pane_1, "tab1")
        sizer_1.Add(self.notebook_1, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
        # end wxGlade

        self.gridsizer = grid_sizer_1

    def OnClick(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler>
        cols = [u'submitted_date', u'lock_version',
u'release_tested_in', u'sme_mcs2', u'saved_uniqueid',
                u'keywords', u'cm_rls_date', u'submitted_by',
u'doc_testeddate', u'cm_reworkdate', u'sme_version', u'state',
                u'symptoms', u'platform', u'doc_docaffected',
u'script_done', u'customer_severity', u'is_active', u'est_hours',
                u'testcaserework', u'doc_type', u'audio_done',
u'smng_content_review', u'doc_log', u'version_found_in', u'locked_by',
                u'unduplicate_state', u'nottestable', u'build_status',
u'target_build', u'sme_contentrevision', u'smng_code_review',
                u'old_id', u'cm_req_date', u'cm_se_date',
u'revised_lo', u'version', u'testcase_id', u'component',
                u'cm_actualreleasedate', u'build_found_in',
u'is_duplicate', u'test_result', u'scm_history_log',
                u'doc_approveddate', u'headline', u'tested_by',
u'cm_tst_date', u'owner', u'previous_id', u'platform_tested_on',
                u'opr_version_found', u'use_case',
u'scheduled_target_build', u'doc_entry', u'previous_submitter',
                u'cm_uat_date', u'doc_partnumber', u'type',
u'usecasename', u'db_dbaffected', u'opr_longdescription',
                u'opr_shortdescription', u'cloned_to',
u'previous_cm_tool', u'dev_team', u'atom', u'cm_cc_projectno',
                u'assign_to', u'cm_deliverydate', u'project',
u'cm_deliveredto', u'auxnotes_log', u'functarea', u'mastered_by',
                u'cm_seededfrom_actual', u'actual_hours',
u'test_purposes', u'id', u'cm_releasetype', u'cm_dev_date',
                u'productline', u'severity', u'test_note_entry',
u'build_tested_in', u'art_done', u'closed_pm',
                u'test_note_log', u'note_entry', u'product_name',
u'cm_suppl_release', u'cm_reworkfreq', u'description',
                u'cloned_from', u'doc_editor', u'closed_scm',
u'doc_writer', u'notes_log', u'doc_usecase', u'cm_cc_projectlist',
                u'cm_projectobsdate', u'submit_date', u'closed_qa',
u'cm_alt_stream_deliveries', u'browser_tested_on', u'history_log',
                u'submitter', u'resolution', u'doc_status',

      self.columns = []
      for fn in cols:
    label_1 = wx.StaticText(self.panel_1, -1, fn, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT |
    checkbox_1 = wx.CheckBox(self.panel_1, -1, "")
    choice_1 = wx.Choice(self.panel_1, -1, choices=['=', '!=', '<',
'<=', '>', '>=', 'contains'])
    text_ctrl_1 = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_1, -1, "")
    choice_2 = wx.Choice(self.panel_1, -1, choices=['and', 'or'])
    items = [label_1, checkbox_1, choice_1, text_ctrl_1, choice_2]

    self.gridsizer.Add(label_1, 1)
    self.gridsizer.Add(checkbox_1, 1)
    self.gridsizer.Add(choice_1, 1)
    self.gridsizer.Add(text_ctrl_1, 1)
    self.gridsizer.Add(choice_2, 1)


# end of class MyFrame

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = wx.PySimpleApp(0)
    frame_1 = MyFrame(None, -1, "")

jdawgaz wrote:

I am trying to fit a whole bunch of rows onto a notebook tab, that are
generated via a button. They all get bunched up, and I am just not
"seeing" my problem. I am wondering if you can help me get over this
hurdle. What I have is anywhere from 40-300 rows that I want to be

The sizer does not automatically resize itself after you change its
content. Try adding a call to
and see if that gets you closer.


Tim Roberts, timr@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

thanks for that Tim.
I put the self.gridsizer.Fit() right after the for loop, and still the
same thing.

BTW I purposely did a small example here, my GUI program is much more
complicated, and I have all the rest working. This is the only part
that isn't.



On Jun 13, 10:59 am, Tim Roberts <t...@probo.com> wrote:

jdawgaz wrote:
> I am trying to fit a whole bunch of rows onto a notebook tab, that are
> generated via a button. They all get bunched up, and I am just not
> "seeing" my problem. I am wondering if you can help me get over this
> hurdle. What I have is anywhere from 40-300 rows that I want to be
> scrolled.

The sizer does not automatically resize itself after you change its
content. Try adding a call to
and see if that gets you closer.

Tim Roberts, t...@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

ok. this now works, but I am puzzled.
if I click on the button and THEN resize the window it all shows up
if I resize FIRST then click the button then it all bunches up without
a scrollbar.

1) why is that?
2) how can I then make it show up using code to do it, instead of
having user resize manually?



On Jun 13, 11:54 am, jdawgaz <jdaw...@gmail.com> wrote:

thanks for that Tim.
I put the self.gridsizer.Fit() right after the for loop, and still the
same thing.

BTW I purposely did a small example here, my GUI program is much more
complicated, and I have all the rest working. This is the only part
that isn't.


On Jun 13, 10:59 am, Tim Roberts <t...@probo.com> wrote:

> jdawgaz wrote:
> > I am trying to fit a whole bunch of rows onto a notebook tab, that are
> > generated via a button. They all get bunched up, and I am just not
> > "seeing" my problem. I am wondering if you can help me get over this
> > hurdle. What I have is anywhere from 40-300 rows that I want to be
> > scrolled.

> The sizer does not automatically resize itself after you change its
> content. Try adding a call to
> self.gridsizer.Fit()
> and see if that gets you closer.

> --
> Tim Roberts, t...@probo.com
> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

ok. this now works, but I am puzzled.
if I click on the button and THEN resize the window it all shows up
if I resize FIRST then click the button then it all bunches up without
a scrollbar.

1) why is that?

Because when the window is resized it gets EVT_SIZE events, and that is where the sizer's layout methods are called by default, and then the child windows are also resized, and their sizers (or built-in code) are used to do their layout, and eventually it gets down to the scrolled window and so its EVT_SIZE handler does a layout too.

2) how can I then make it show up using code to do it, instead of
having user resize manually?

For wx.ScrolledWindows with sizers usually calling the scrolled window's FitInside method works best. Call it after you've added the child widgets.


On 6/13/11 3:37 PM, jdawgaz wrote:

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

Thank you all: PROBLEM is SOLVED.

added these 2 lines to just before the event.Skip() line:

I have now added this to my "real" application. And am pleased that it
Thank you all.



On Jun 13, 7:21 pm, Robin Dunn <ro...@alldunn.com> wrote:

On 6/13/11 3:37 PM, jdawgaz wrote:

> ok. this now works, but I am puzzled.
> if I click on the button and THEN resize the window it all shows up
> properly.
> if I resize FIRST then click the button then it all bunches up without
> a scrollbar.

> 1) why is that?

Because when the window is resized it gets EVT_SIZE events, and that is
where the sizer's layout methods are called by default, and then the
child windows are also resized, and their sizers (or built-in code) are
used to do their layout, and eventually it gets down to the scrolled
window and so its EVT_SIZE handler does a layout too.

> 2) how can I then make it show up using code to do it, instead of
> having user resize manually?

For wx.ScrolledWindows with sizers usually calling the scrolled window's
FitInside method works best. Call it after you've added the child widgets.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsmanhttp://wxPython.org