Guidelines for developers

Dear Robin,

I think it would be a good idea to give to the developers some guidelines
on how the new releases (plural) will be deployed. This may be especially
good for people who want to update and test their applications at the
same time.

- Will the wxversion stay as it is?
- There will be a "" compliant 2.4 wxPython version,
which one exactly?
- In the 2.5 serie, which one will be the official 2.5 release? Will there
be a run-time?
- Is there a consensus on how to use wxversion in code?
- ???

Jean-Michel Fauth, Switzerland

Jean-Michel Fauth wrote:

Dear Robin,

I think it would be a good idea to give to the developers some guidelines
on how the new releases (plural) will be deployed. This may be especially
good for people who want to update and test their applications at the
same time.

- Will the wxversion stay as it is?

I am finally satisfied with it the way it is now, and I think others are too. There might be some minor tweaks and additions to it over time, but it will need to always stay compatible with this first release since it will need to be usable with older and newer versions of wxPython.

- There will be a "" compliant 2.4 wxPython version,

Yes, that is the plan.

which one exactly?


- In the 2.5 serie, which one will be the official 2.5 release?

I'm not sure what you mean, we've had several official 2.5 releases already, and are preparing for another. On the wxWidgets side there will be a 2.5.4 release and 2.6 will probably happen after that.

Will there be a run-time?

No. I can't re-release an old version, even if all that changes is how it is installed, becuase there would be too much confusion about which is which.

- Is there a consensus on how to use wxversion in code?

At least as much as it has been discussed here and everybody seems satisfied.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!