GridSizer and FlexGridSizer, expanding

You are right Donnal, sizers are not designed to show anything on their
own, just to properly handle widgets position. The method Cristina was
referring to, SetGridLineColour()m works only for wx.Grid.
So, if the
OP wish to make visible rows and columns, he could use a wx.Grid class
or, with much more work, use some kind of custom drawing with wx.DC and
friends. That would be much more complicated in my opinion :wink:



> how

would I draw lines around the rows and columns in the grid?

> It

would be nice if it looked like a table with borders.



If you are talking about wx.Grid, that

should work, but if you are

talking about wx.GridSizer, wx.

FlexGridSizer or wx.GridBagSizer

(and if I understand correctly), you

cannot visualize the grid

lines. Sizers simply calculate sizes, they

have no visible

properties of their own. Someone else please correct

me if I am


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."


--- "C. Iacob" <> wrote: