I have realy weird problem I'm going nuts about. I have list of items, and details for selected item are shown in TextCtrl (TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_RICH on Windows Vista, with python 2.5.1 and wxPython 2.8)
After I copy text from TextCtrl and select some other item on the list (and TextCtrl content gets updated), when I try to paste the text into same TextCtrl sometimes paste inserts only empty line if copied text is single-line or multiple empty lines if text on clipboard is multiple-line. I can't recognize any pattern to this, except it's more (?) often when text contains international characters. Of course in plain editor text paste correctly before and after the problem.
Are there known bugs with copy-paste and TextCtrl or should I somehow "prepare" TextCtrl for unicode or TextCtrl "remembers" whether last text in it was unicode ... (see how weird it gets at 3am debugging this for two hours already)
Seriously, are there known related bugs? If not how do I debug copy/paste (or just paste, it seems)?
Best regards,
Igor Jese, igor@jeseonline.com