Getting the Tab Contents


My application includes a notebook in right hand side of the window as
it can be seen in the image below.
Every tab of the notebook contains a grid. Tabs are created
dynamically. My task is to obtain all the grid content inside the tabs
and write them to an excel file in an organized way. All the grids are
of the same format. In the excel output, they will be grouped by tab
names. I mean, first tab name, first grid content, then second tab
name , second grid content and goes on like this. Can you help me
carry out this task?

Thanks in advance.


     for pageNum in range(notbook.GetPageCount()):
         tablabel = notebook.GetPageText(pageNum)
  page = notebook.GetPage(pageNum)
  # do whatever to save the data on page in the tablabel group


On 2/18/11 6:53 AM, Shansal wrote:


My application includes a notebook in right hand side of the window as
it can be seen in the image below.
Every tab of the notebook contains a grid. Tabs are created
dynamically. My task is to obtain all the grid content inside the tabs
and write them to an excel file in an organized way. All the grids are
of the same format. In the excel output, they will be grouped by tab
names. I mean, first tab name, first grid content, then second tab
name , second grid content and goes on like this. Can you help me
carry out this task?

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

Thanks Mr. Dunn. You are awesome.


On 18 Şubat, 19:34, Robin Dunn <> wrote:

On 2/18/11 6:53 AM, Shansal wrote:

> Hi,

> My application includes a notebook in right hand side of the window as
> it can be seen in the image below.
> Every tab of the notebook contains a grid. Tabs are created
> dynamically. My task is to obtain all the grid content inside the tabs
> and write them to an excel file in an organized way. All the grids are
> of the same format. In the excel output, they will be grouped by tab
> names. I mean, first tab name, first grid content, then second tab
> name , second grid content and goes on like this. Can you help me
> carry out this task?


 for pageNum in range\(notbook\.GetPageCount\(\)\):
     tablabel = notebook\.GetPageText\(pageNum\)
    page = notebook\.GetPage\(pageNum\)
    \# do whatever to save the data on page in the tablabel group

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman