Getting bitmap of a window

Am I being clear? And if so, is what I'm describing possible?

Yes. The way this is normally solved is to have widgets that can
run in two modes - design and execute. In design mode they are
just passive and helpful to someone laying stuff out. In
execute mode they do whatever is normal.

Maybe taking an approach like that will also solve your


That's the approach I've taken so far, and while it works to a degree, there are times where it simple falls short of what I'd like to be able to do.

  Ed Leafe


On Jan 3, 2005, at 7:20 PM, Roger Binns wrote:

Yes. The way this is normally solved is to have widgets that can
run in two modes - design and execute. In design mode they are
just passive and helpful to someone laying stuff out. In
execute mode they do whatever is normal.