[Fwd: Google summer of Code 2009]


I just saw this on the SciPy list:


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [SciPy-user] Google summer of Code 2009
From: Jarrod Millman <millman@berkeley.edu>

I spoke with the SoC coordinator about this last year and was told
they would prefer us to stay under the PSF umbrella. This year they
plan to sponsor fewer mentoring organizations, I believe (so less
chance we would get accepted). Finally, the deadline for submitting
an application to be a mentoring organization is Friday (March 13) at
12 noon PDT:

So another option, if we don't get set up as a mentoring organization in the next couple days is to join up under the PSF umbrella.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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