from Windows to Mac

Hello mr. Dunn,
    I've written a wxpython script for Windows (a Poser 8 [3d
application] plug-in) with 1 main frame and 2 panels on the
mainframe. The script works fine in windows but my mac customers are
complaining that only the buttons on the last panel created are
working. The buttons on the first panel create are "grayed" out and
do not work. It seems as if only the last panel create has focus. The
application will not focus on any other panel. Each panel has a id
number of -1. Is there a special way to deal with panels on macs?
Andre O'Brien.

I have a feeling that Mr. Dunn will want a sample application that
exhibits the same symptoms. See MakingSampleApps - wxPyWiki
for more info.

As far as I know, panels should work in the same way on Mac as they do
on Windows. At least, I don't remember reading anything different.


On Mar 30, 10:47 pm, Anakele <> wrote:

Hello mr. Dunn,
I've written a wxpython script for Windows (a Poser 8 [3d
application] plug-in) with 1 main frame and 2 panels on the
mainframe. The script works fine in windows but my mac customers are
complaining that only the buttons on the last panel created are
working. The buttons on the first panel create are "grayed" out and
do not work. It seems as if only the last panel create has focus. The
application will not focus on any other panel. Each panel has a id
number of -1. Is there a special way to deal with panels on macs?
Andre O'Brien.

Mike Driscoll


The normal behavior is that native widgets will go into a dimmed state when the frame they are in is not the active frame, but having them on two panels in the same frame should not cause a problem like this. When the frame is active then all the widgets in both panels should show in the active state. Are you sure that you are not using two frames? Can you duplicate this problem in a standalone app which is not being launched as a plugin?


On 3/30/10 8:47 PM, Anakele wrote:

Hello mr. Dunn,
     I've written a wxpython script for Windows (a Poser 8 [3d
application] plug-in) with 1 main frame and 2 panels on the
mainframe. The script works fine in windows but my mac customers are
complaining that only the buttons on the last panel created are
working. The buttons on the first panel create are "grayed" out and
do not work. It seems as if only the last panel create has focus. The
application will not focus on any other panel. Each panel has a id
number of -1. Is there a special way to deal with panels on macs?

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

Anakele wrote:

    I've written a wxpython script for Windows (a Poser 8 [3d
application] plug-in) with 1 main frame and 2 panels on the
mainframe. The script works fine in windows but my mac customers are
complaining that only the buttons on the last panel created are
working. The buttons on the first panel create are "grayed" out and
do not work. It seems as if only the last panel create has focus. The
application will not focus on any other panel. Each panel has a id
number of -1. Is there a special way to deal with panels on macs?

no -- but sometimes if you do something "wrong", it will work on one platform, but not another. This one is weird, we'll need a sample app to diagnose, but look at these Wiki pages for other issues:



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception

Thank you for the quick response. I am not using two frames. Since I
don't have a mac I can't duplicate the issue without using someone who
has a mac. I will find someone to help me and get back to you.


On Mar 31, 12:42 pm, Robin Dunn <> wrote:

On 3/30/10 8:47 PM, Anakele wrote:

> Hello mr. Dunn,
> I've written a wxpython script for Windows (a Poser 8 [3d
> application] plug-in) with 1 main frame and 2 panels on the
> mainframe. The script works fine in windows but my mac customers are
> complaining that only the buttons on the last panel created are
> working. The buttons on the first panel create are "grayed" out and
> do not work. It seems as if only the last panel create has focus. The
> application will not focus on any other panel. Each panel has a id
> number of -1. Is there a special way to deal with panels on macs?

The normal behavior is that native widgets will go into a dimmed state
when the frame they are in is not the active frame, but having them on
two panels in the same frame should not cause a problem like this. When
the frame is active then all the widgets in both panels should show in
the active state. Are you sure that you are not using two frames? Can
you duplicate this problem in a standalone app which is not being
launched as a plugin?

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

Thank you for the quick response. I am not using two frames. Since I
don't have a mac I can't duplicate the issue without using someone who
has a mac. I will find someone to help me and get back to you.


On Mar 31, 12:55 pm, Christopher Barker <> wrote:

Anakele wrote:
> I've written a wxpython script for Windows (a Poser 8 [3d
> application] plug-in) with 1 main frame and 2 panels on the
> mainframe. The script works fine in windows but my mac customers are
> complaining that only the buttons on the last panel created are
> working. The buttons on the first panel create are "grayed" out and
> do not work. It seems as if only the last panel create has focus. The
> application will not focus on any other panel. Each panel has a id
> number of -1. Is there a special way to deal with panels on macs?

no -- but sometimes if you do something "wrong", it will work on one
platform, but not another. This one is weird, we'll need a sample app to
diagnose, but look at these Wiki pages for other issues:


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception

Thank you for the quick response. I am not using two frames. Since I
don't have a mac I can't duplicate the issue without using someone who
has a mac. I will find someone to help me and get back to you.


On Mar 31, 9:51 am, Mike Driscoll <> wrote:

On Mar 30, 10:47 pm, Anakele <> wrote:

> Hello mr. Dunn,
> I've written a wxpython script for Windows (a Poser 8 [3d
> application] plug-in) with 1 main frame and 2 panels on the
> mainframe. The script works fine in windows but my mac customers are
> complaining that only the buttons on the last panel created are
> working. The buttons on the first panel create are "grayed" out and
> do not work. It seems as if only the last panel create has focus. The
> application will not focus on any other panel. Each panel has a id
> number of -1. Is there a special way to deal with panels on macs?
> Andre O'Brien.

I have a feeling that Mr. Dunn will want a sample application that
exhibits the same symptoms. See
for more info.

As far as I know, panels should work in the same way on Mac as they do
on Windows. At least, I don't remember reading anything different.

Mike Driscoll
