Hi all,
This mail follow these others:
Before going any futher here is what I think is _the_ bug. I hope this time this is true.
In src/gtk/windows.cpp, line 1834 (cvs is down so the line might change a bit)
wxMouseEvent event( wxEVT_MOTION );
InitMouseEvent(win, event, gdk_event);
if ( g_captureWindow ) //<---- grrrrrrrrrrr
I change into:
if ( !g_captureWindow ) //<---- not grrrrrrrrrrr
And all of a sudden everything works fine under wxGTK 2.4.0 just as wxWindows 2.2.9. Could someone confirm if this is a bug ... and if not I'll jump by the window
I would like also to thank Vadim who took the time to read all of my mails even when they didn't make any sense and were only the result of pain & anger for not finding this bug.
Mathieu Malaterre
28 Avenue du Doyen LEPINE
B.P. Lyon-Montchat
69394 Lyon Cedex 03