Hello all,
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Oct 30 2007, 13:54:11)
[GCC 4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-33)] on linux2
wx.version() = ' (gtk2-unicode)'
I've got a question about focus for which i couldn't find an answer on the mailing list.
I've got the main wx.Frame, in it a tab in an AuiNotebook. When i open a wx.Panel inside the tab i can choose to drag the wx.Panel such that it attaches to the tab. (do you know what i mean?)
However, when i DON'T attach the inner wx.Panel object to the tab, i have a problem with focus.
I've programmed the main wx.Frame to respond to certain events, and this works. But when i have a panel IN FOCUS open inside my AuiNotebook tab, and this panel IS NOT attached to the tab, my main wx.Frame does not respond to the events like it does when the inner wx.Panel IS attached to the tab.
In fact, my main wx.Frame does not respond to any events at all until i manually give it focus by clicking on it with the mouse.
Now, i would like to give the main wx.Frame its focus back whenever an event occurs to which it should respond.
The best i could come up with is to have a dispatcher signal received by the main wx.Frame and to run a "self.SetFocus()" in response. However, nothing happens.
Again, when i DO attach the inner wx.Panel to the AuiNotebook tab, the main wx.Frame responds perfectly.
Does this make any sense?
Does anyone recognize this problem, or something like it?
How can i give the focus to the main wx.Frame in this case?
many thanks for your time,
NeoNova BV, The Netherlands
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