Fix size of sizer cells?

Hi, I’m new to wxPython and tryed to work with wxGlade, but also to write some GUIs myself (following the tutorials).

But I still have problems with a relative sinmple problem: How can I fix the size of a sizer cell?

The dialog of an instant messagner. It is divided into two main parts.
The chat (textbox) and the message/send (textbox+button). I want the
message/send part to stay at its size, when I resize the window and I
want the chatbox to resize automatically.

Sorry, if the question was already posted several times - I did not
find any answer (I guess I just don not know what to look for).

Thanks for any answer,

PS: Sorry if I sent the mail twice - school network is f***ing around …

Monday, November 28, 2005, 8:58:09 AM, Michael Knopf wrote:

But I still have problems with a relative sinmple problem: How can I
fix the size of a sizer cell?

Example: The dialog of an instant messagner. It is divided into two
main parts. The chat (textbox) and the message/send
(textbox+button). I want the message/send part to stay at its size,
when I resize the window and I want the chatbox to resize

There are several ways to do this and they can be found in "Sizers"
and "GridBagSizer" under the "Window Layout" section of the wxPython

-- tacao

No bits were harmed during the making of this e-mail.

Michael Knopf wrote:

But I still have problems with a relative sinmple problem: How can I
fix the size of a sizer cell?

Set the second argument of Sizer.Add() to 0

I want the message/send part to stay at its size, when I resize the
window and I want the chatbox to resize automatically.

pseudo code:

S = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

S.Add(ChatBox, 1, wx.EXPAND)

S.Add(MsgBox, 0, wx.EXPAND)



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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