is there a function to obtain the positions of the two end points of a curve created with DrawElipticArc? or do I need to calculate them geometrically?..
I think you'll need to do the geometry calculations yourself.
On 3/19/11 1:25 PM, PythonJourney wrote:
is there a function to obtain the positions of the two end points of a
curve created with DrawElipticArc? or do I need to calculate them
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
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El 19/03/2011 07:04 p.m., Christopher Barker escribi�:
On 3/19/11 1:25 PM, PythonJourney wrote:
is there a function to obtain the positions of the two end points of a
curve created with DrawElipticArc? or do I need to calculate them
geometrically?..I think you'll need to do the geometry calculations yourself.
thanks.. I was just making sure of it, and that am not doing something that might be unnecessary..
I was thinking that there might be a function to do that because the DrawElipticArc fill the pie of the arc itself..