FileBrowseButton wxMULTIPLE support

Heya Folks,

The FileBrowseButton appears to ignore all but the last file selected when you set the fileMode to wxMULTIPLE.

Did i miss something, or is my observation correct?

For now, I've hacked the OnBrowse () method as follows to get all files into the textControl.

--- Mon Dec 1 12:59:29 2003
+++ Mon Dec 1 12:51:00 2003
@@ -166,7 +166,17 @@
          dlg = wxFileDialog(self, self.dialogTitle, directory, current, self.fileMask, self.fileMode)

          if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
- self.SetValue(dlg.GetPath())
+ if self.fileMode == wxMULTIPLE:
+ path = ""
+ paths = dlg.GetPaths()
+ for curpath in paths:
+ if path != "":
+ path = path + "," + curpath
+ else:
+ path = curpath
+ self.SetValue(path)
+ else:
+ self.SetValue(dlg.GetPath())



Use GetPaths() instead of GetPath(). Then you get a list of zero or more
paths that you can iterate through.


-----Original Message-----
From: Martijn Ras []
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 4:05 AM
Subject: [wxPython-dev] FileBrowseButton wxMULTIPLE support

Heya Folks,

The FileBrowseButton appears to ignore all but the last file selected
when you set the fileMode to wxMULTIPLE.

Did i miss something, or is my observation correct?

For now, I've hacked the OnBrowse () method as follows to get all files
into the textControl.

--- Mon Dec 1 12:59:29 2003
+++ Mon Dec 1 12:51:00 2003
@@ -166,7 +166,17 @@
          dlg = wxFileDialog(self, self.dialogTitle, directory, current,
self.fileMask, self.fileMode)

          if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
- self.SetValue(dlg.GetPath())
+ if self.fileMode == wxMULTIPLE:
+ path = ""
+ paths = dlg.GetPaths()
+ for curpath in paths:
+ if path != "":
+ path = path + "," + curpath
+ else:
+ path = curpath
+ self.SetValue(path)
+ else:
+ self.SetValue(dlg.GetPath())



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Martijn Ras wrote:

Heya Folks,

The FileBrowseButton appears to ignore all but the last file selected when you set the fileMode to wxMULTIPLE.

Did i miss something, or is my observation correct?


For now, I've hacked the OnBrowse () method as follows to get all files into the textControl.

--- Mon Dec 1 12:59:29 2003
+++ Mon Dec 1 12:51:00 2003
@@ -166,7 +166,17 @@
         dlg = wxFileDialog(self, self.dialogTitle, directory, current, self.fileMask, self.fileMode)

         if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
- self.SetValue(dlg.GetPath())
+ if self.fileMode == wxMULTIPLE:
+ path = ""
+ paths = dlg.GetPaths()
+ for curpath in paths:
+ if path != "":
+ path = path + "," + curpath
+ else:
+ path = curpath

Can this for loop be replaced with this?

  path = ", ".join(paths)


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

Use GetPaths() instead of GetPath(). Then you get a list of zero or more
paths that you can iterate through.

Sheesh, I was still waking up. Somebody should lock my computer in the
morning. Sorry! :slight_smile: