Example of wxPython good practices


I was looking through agw and I realized there are probably good
habits I could pick from there for my own wxPython writing style.
(Like for example handling individual mouse events instead of the
general mouse event.)

My question is, which module/widget, in agw or otherwise, will be good
to learn from? (I don't want to accidentally choose one that is
relatively neglected, I'd rather go with something that's considered a
good example.)




I was looking through agw and I realized there are probably good
habits I could pick from there for my own wxPython writing style.
(Like for example handling individual mouse events instead of the
general mouse event.)

My question is, which module/widget, in agw or otherwise, will be good
to learn from? (I don't want to accidentally choose one that is
relatively neglected, I'd rather go with something that's considered a
good example.)

I am not sure if there is a module that can be considered a good
example of wxPython writing style, and usually when I write my stuff I
don't look at these kind of issues. However, you may be interested in
looking at wx.lib.splitter.MultiSplitterWindow; I cite it because it
is a generic control and it has been written by Robin, so it's a good
example to follow and it doesn't contain bull***** like some of the
AGW widgets do :smiley:

You may also want to take a look at the wxPython style guide:



"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."

==> Never *EVER* use RemovalGroup for your house removal. You'll
regret it forever.
The Doomed City: Removal Group: the nightmare <==


On 10 April 2010 08:16, cool-RR wrote:

I’ll check these things out, thanks.



On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Andrea Gavana andrea.gavana@gmail.com wrote:


On 10 April 2010 08:16, cool-RR wrote:


I was looking through agw and I realized there are probably good

habits I could pick from there for my own wxPython writing style.

(Like for example handling individual mouse events instead of the

general mouse event.)

My question is, which module/widget, in agw or otherwise, will be good

to learn from? (I don’t want to accidentally choose one that is

relatively neglected, I’d rather go with something that’s considered a

good example.)

I am not sure if there is a module that can be considered a good

example of wxPython writing style, and usually when I write my stuff I

don’t look at these kind of issues. However, you may be interested in

looking at wx.lib.splitter.MultiSplitterWindow; I cite it because it

is a generic control and it has been written by Robin, so it’s a good

example to follow and it doesn’t contain bull***** like some of the

AGW widgets do :smiley:

You may also want to take a look at the wxPython style guide:

