I can't seem to get EVT_TOOL_ENTER or EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED to get fired on OS X.
The attached sample program works correctly on GTK and MSW: the
OnToolEnter callback gets fired when the mouse cursor hits one of the
toolbar buttons. But on MAC it does nothing. Similarly, the
OnToolContext gets fired on a right mouse click on GTK and MSW, but
never gets called on OS X.
On all platforms the OnTool callback works correctly, however.
I'm using on OS X. Maybe this is a platform limitation, but
in searching through the docs I couldn't see anything to that effect
so I'm guessing it's a bug. Any clues?
I can't seem to get EVT_TOOL_ENTER or EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED to get fired on OS X.
one thing to look into:
on wxMac, there are two toolbars -- one is the native one, and one is an emulation written in wx -- which one is used depends on how it is used, and you MAY b able to specify which you want.
I suspect that the native toolbar may not provide those events.
Sorry I don't have time to dig into it more, now, but maybe this gives you an idea where to look.
- Chris
The attached sample program works correctly on GTK and MSW: the
OnToolEnter callback gets fired when the mouse cursor hits one of the
toolbar buttons. But on MAC it does nothing. Similarly, the
OnToolContext gets fired on a right mouse click on GTK and MSW, but
never gets called on OS X.
On all platforms the OnTool callback works correctly, however.
I'm using on OS X. Maybe this is a platform limitation, but
in searching through the docs I couldn't see anything to that effect
so I'm guessing it's a bug. Any clues?
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I can't seem to get EVT_TOOL_ENTER or EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED to get fired on OS X.
The attached sample program works correctly on GTK and MSW: the
OnToolEnter callback gets fired when the mouse cursor hits one of the
toolbar buttons. But on MAC it does nothing. Similarly, the
OnToolContext gets fired on a right mouse click on GTK and MSW, but
never gets called on OS X.
On all platforms the OnTool callback works correctly, however.
I'm using on OS X. Maybe this is a platform limitation, but
in searching through the docs I couldn't see anything to that effect
so I'm guessing it's a bug. Any clues?
I think it may be a platform limitation. The native carbon toolbar on Mac uses a little different paradigm than toolbars on other platforms, so trying to pound it into wx is sometimes a bit of a square peg in a round hole issue.
Please create a bug ticket about this in wxTrac and we'll see what Stefan says about it.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!
On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Robin Dunn <robin@alldunn.com> wrote:
I think it may be a platform limitation. The native carbon toolbar on Mac
uses a little different paradigm than toolbars on other platforms, so trying
to pound it into wx is sometimes a bit of a square peg in a round hole