ETS Phoenix repo sandbox

I just wanted to convey that I have finally set up github repos for the respective components of ETS and couple of other items. There are repos for the various ETS components, as well as a couple of others. These are on under braidedlogix.

There are still a lot of tests that need to be done, but things are running reasonably smoothly considering the complexity of everything. In testing a Py3 upgrade to PyModelFit, I discovered a segfaulting issue related to kiva/agg under Linux Mint 18.1 (with GCC 5.4). Oddly, the problem only pops up for colormaps and some images requiring conversions. Under Windows, no segfaults but a separate problem pops up with lack of coordination between mouse events/location and keyboard focus. I don’t know if the latter problem is from PyModelFit or if it is exposing an issue in ETS, but the image issue is definitely not wxPython related.

Additionally, Under Linux I am getting segfaults during closing an app. In the close routine, I save some config and history files, then close and destroy the app. Whatever is causing the segfault doesn’t seem to affect the successful saving of the info. The first time I ran the app under Windows, it gave me a “python closed unexpectedly” popup window, but oddly enough afterwards has had zero issues at close.



For those planning to take the dive and finally upgrade their apps to Phoenix, I must say that my translations for 4 apps has gone considerably better than my time with ETS.