Error with instantiating a frame based on xrc

Hello, list!

I have a problem with instantiating a frame that is designed by
XRCED's auto-generated code.
The main problem is that I do not have any problems when I create an
instance of xrcNetDissolveFrame in the following code. But, I
encounter problems when I create the same instance as an add-on dialog
that is invoked from a toolbar. What is strange is I have multiple
frames that have the same structure. I didn't have any problems with
those frames, but somehow I am getting errors with this new frame.
Specific error message I got is the following:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Enable'

Please let me know anything that may resolve this problem.
The relevant code is included in the following:

-- View code that is auto-generated from XRCED

# This file was automatically generated by pywxrc.
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import wx
import wx.xrc as xrc

__res = None

def get_resources():
    """ This function provides access to the XML resources in this
    global __res
    if __res == None:
    return __res

class xrcNetDissolveFrame(wx.Frame):
    def PreCreate(self, pre):
        """ This function is called during the class's initialization.

        Override it for custom setup before the window is created
usually to
        set additional window styles using SetWindowStyle() and


    def __init__(self, parent):
        # Two stage creation (see
        pre = wx.PreFrame()
        get_resources().LoadOnFrame(pre, parent, "NetDissolveFrame")

        # Define variables for the controls, bind event handlers
        self.MainPanel = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, "MainPanel")
        self.NetFilenameField = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, "NetFilenameField")
        self.NetFileButton = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, "NetFileButton")
        self.AttributePanel = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, "AttributePanel")
        self.IDChoice = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, "IDChoice")
        self.outputPanel = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, "outputPanel")
        self.OutNetFilenameField = xrc.XRCCTRL(self,
        self.OutNetFileButton = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, "OutNetFileButton")
        self.buttonPanel = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, "buttonPanel")
        self.ButtonCompute = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, "ButtonCompute")
        self.ButtonSplit = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, "ButtonSplit")
        self.ButtonClose = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, "ButtonClose")

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton_NetFileButton,
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnChoice_IDChoice,
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton_OutNetFileButton,
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton_ButtonCompute,
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton_ButtonSplit,
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton_ButtonClose,
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)

    def OnButton_NetFileButton(self, evt):
        # Replace with event handler code
        print "OnButton_NetFileButton()"

    def OnChoice_IDChoice(self, evt):
        # Replace with event handler code
        print "OnChoice_IDChoice()"

    def OnButton_OutNetFileButton(self, evt):
        # Replace with event handler code
        print "OnButton_OutNetFileButton()"

    def OnButton_ButtonCompute(self, evt):
        # Replace with event handler code
        print "OnButton_ButtonCompute()"

    def OnButton_ButtonSplit(self, evt):
        # Replace with event handler code
        print "OnButton_ButtonSplit()"

    def OnButton_ButtonClose(self, evt):
        # Replace with event handler code
        print "OnButton_ButtonClose()"

    def OnClose(self, evt):
        # Replace with event handler code
        print "OnClose()"

# ------------------------ Resource data ----------------------

def __init_resources():
    global __res
    __res = xrc.EmptyXmlResource()


    view_xrc = '''\
<?xml version="1.0" ?><resource class="wxPanel">
  <object class="wxFrame" name="NetDissolveFrame">
    <object class="wxBoxSizer">
      <object class="sizeritem">
        <object class="wxPanel" name="MainPanel">
          <object class="wxBoxSizer">
            <object class="sizeritem">
              <object class="wxStaticBoxSizer">
                <object class="sizeritem">
                  <object class="wxBoxSizer">
                    <object class="sizeritem">
                      <object class="wxStaticText"
                        <label>Network Shapefile:</label>
                    <object class="sizeritem">
                      <object class="wxTextCtrl"

                    <object class="sizeritem">
                      <object class="wxBitmapButton"
                        <size>22, 22</size>
                        <bitmap stock_id="wxART_FILE_OPEN"/>


            <object class="sizeritem">
              <object class="wxStaticBoxSizer">
                <object class="sizeritem">
                  <object class="wxPanel" name="AttributePanel">
                    <object class="wxBoxSizer">
                      <object class="sizeritem">
                        <object class="wxStaticText"
                          <label>Attribute Column:</label>
                      <object class="sizeritem">
                        <object class="wxChoice" name="IDChoice">


                      <object class="spacer">
                        <size>22, 22</size>

            <object class="sizeritem">
              <object class="wxStaticBoxSizer">
                <object class="sizeritem">
                  <object class="wxPanel" name="outputPanel">
                    <object class="wxBoxSizer">
                      <object class="sizeritem">
                        <object class="wxStaticText"
                          <label>Output Shapefile:</label>
                      <object class="sizeritem">
                        <object class="wxTextCtrl"

                      <object class="sizeritem">
                        <object class="wxBitmapButton"
                          <size>22, 22</size>
                          <bitmap stock_id="wxART_FILE_OPEN"/>



            <object class="sizeritem">
              <object class="wxStaticBoxSizer">
                <object class="sizeritem">
                  <object class="wxPanel" name="buttonPanel">
                    <object class="wxBoxSizer">
                      <object class="sizeritem">
                        <object class="wxButton" name="ButtonCompute">
                          <size>80, 20</size>


                      <object class="spacer">
                      <object class="sizeritem">
                        <object class="wxButton" name="ButtonSplit">
                          <size>80, 20</size>


                      <object class="spacer">
                      <object class="sizeritem">
                        <object class="wxButton" name="ButtonClose">
                          <size>80, 20</size>




    <pos>70, 70</pos>
    <title>Dissolve Network</title>


    wx.MemoryFSHandler.AddFile('XRC/view/view_xrc', view_xrc)

# ----------------------- Gettext strings ---------------------

def __gettext_strings():
    # This is a dummy function that lists all the strings that are
used in
    # the XRC file in the _("a string") format to be recognized by GNU
    # gettext utilities (specificaly the xgettext utility) and the
    # script. For more information see:

    def _(str): pass

    _("Network Shapefile:")
    _("Attribute Column:")
    _("Output Shapefile:")
    _("Dissolve Network")

- A subclass of xrcNetDissolveFrame

import os.path
import wx
from wxpysal import remapEvtsToDispatcher
from view import xrcNetDissolveFrame
from model import DissolveModel
from wxpysal.geodanet.model import Model as geodanet

DEBUG = True

BAD_NETWORK_FILE_LONG = "The supplied shapefile is of type: %s\nYour
network shapefile must contain lines."
BAD_NETWORK_FILE_SHORT = "Bad Network File!"

class DissolveFrame(xrcNetDissolveFrame):
    def __init__(self, parent = None):
        print type(self.ButtonCompute)
        self.dispatch = d = {}
        d['NetFileButton'] = self.networkFile # one to respond to a
call from view
        d['networkFilename'] = self.networkFile # onf to respond to a
call from model
        d['IDChoice'] = self.attribute
        d['networkAttributeField'] = self.attribute
        d['OutNetFileButton'] = self.netOutput
        d['netOutput'] = self.netOutput
        d['ButtonCompute'] = self.compute
        d['ButtonSplit'] = self.split
        d['ButtonClose'] = self.OnClose

        d['computationStatus'] = self.computationStatus
        d['computationMessage'] = self.computationStatus

        self.progressDlg = wx.ProgressDialog("Computation
Status","Message...", maximum = 100, parent = self,

        self.model = DissolveModel()

    def evtDispatch(self,evtName, evt):
        evtName,widgetName = evtName.rsplit('_',1)
        if widgetName in self.dispatch:
            if DEBUG: print "not implemented:", evtName, widgetName

    def update(self,tag=False):
        if tag:
            if tag in self.dispatch:
                if DEBUG: print "Warning: %s, has not been
            for key,value in self.model:
                if key in self.dispatch:
                    if DEBUG: print "Warning: %s, has not been

    def computationStatus(self, evtName=None, evt=None, value=None):
        if type(value) == int and value >= 0 and value < 100:
            if not self.progressDlg.IsShown() and
            c,s = self.progressDlg.Update(value,
            if not c:
                result = wx.MessageDialog(self,"Are you sure you want
to cancel? All progress will be lost!","CANCEL",wx.ICON_QUESTION|
                if result == wx.ID_YES:
                    self.model.computationContinue = False
        if self.progressDlg.IsShown() and self.model.computationStatus
== 0:

    def able(self):
        if self.model.isvalid:
        if not self.model.networkFilename:

    def networkFile(self, evtName=None, evt=None, value=None):
        if evt and evtName=='OnButton':
            dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Open Network Shapefile",
wildcard='Shapefile (.shp)|*.shp')
            if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
                pth = dlg.GetPath()
                typ = geodanet.geo_file_type(pth)
                if typ != 'ARC':
                    self.model.networkFilename = pth
        elif value != None and value !=
            # update the Network Path display.
            # Update the list of Fields to select Edge Length from.

            self.model.networkAttrField = 'None'

    def attribute(self, evtName=None, evt=None, value=None):
        if evt and evtName == 'OnChoice':
            self.model.networkAttrField =
        elif value != None:
            if self.IDChoice.GetStringSelection() != value:

    def netOutput(self, evtName=None, evt=None, value=None):
        if evt and evtName == 'OnButton':
            filename = 'dissolved_network.shp'
            dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Save Output File As",
style=wx.SAVE|wx.OVERWRITE_PROMPT, defaultFile=filename,
wildcard='Shape files (.shp)|*.shp')
            if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
                pth = dlg.GetPath()
                self.model.netOutput = pth
        elif value != None:

    def split(self, evtName=None, evt=None, value=None):

    def compute(self, evtName=None, evt=None, value=None):
        print "RUN"
        print "END_RUN"
    def OnClose(self, evtName=None, evt=None, value=None):

--An excerpt from toolbar's controller code

class ToolbarFrame(view.xrcGeoDaNetMainFrame):
    def __init__(self, app, parent = None): = app
        self.dispatch = d = {}
        d['Quit'] = self.close
        d['QuitMenuItem'] = self.close
        #d['DissolveTool'] = self.show_dissolve_tool
        #d['SplitTool'] = self.show_split_tool
        d['DistsTool'] = self.show_dists_tool
        d['DistsMenuItem'] = self.show_dists_tool
        d['PreferencesMenuItem'] = self.show_pref_tool
        d['KFuncsTool'] = self.show_kfuncs_tool
        d['KFuncsMenuItem'] = self.show_kfuncs_tool
        d['AccessTool'] = self.show_access_tool
        d['AccessMenuItem'] = self.show_access_tool
        d['KernelTool'] = self.show_kernel_tool
        d['KernelMenuItem'] = self.show_kernel_tool
        d['KClusterTool'] = self.show_k_cluster_tool
        d['KClusterMenuItem'] = self.show_k_cluster_tool
        d['LINCsTool'] = self.show_lincs_tool
        d['LINCsMenuItem'] = self.show_lincs_tool
        d['KFuncVisMenuItem'] = self.show_kfunc_vis_tool
        d['DensityVisMenuItem'] = self.show_density_vis_tool
        d['PlanarDensityVisMenuItem'] =
        d['KClusterVisMenuItem'] = self.show_klincs_vis_tool
        d['LincsVisMenuItem'] = self.show_lincs_vis_tool

        #self.split_tool = split_controller.SplitFrame(self)
        self.dists_tool = dists_controller.DistsController()
        self.kfuncs_tool = kfunction_controller.KFunctionFrame(self)
        self.kernel_tool = kernel_controller.KernelDensityFrame(self)
        self.dissolve_tool = dissolve_controller.DissolveFrame(self)
        self.access_tool = access_controller.AccessController()
        self.k_cluster_tool =
        self.lincs_tool = lincs_controller.LINCsController()
        self.kfunc_vis_tool =
        self.density_vis_tool =
        self.planar_density_vis_tool =
        self.klincs_vis_tool =
        self.lincs_vis_tool =
        self.pref_tool =
        wx.ToolTip.SetDelay(10) # not supported by Mac.

Hello, list!

I have a problem with instantiating a frame that is designed by
XRCED's auto-generated code.
The main problem is that I do not have any problems when I create an
instance of xrcNetDissolveFrame in the following code. But, I
encounter problems when I create the same instance as an add-on dialog
that is invoked from a toolbar. What is strange is I have multiple
frames that have the same structure. I didn't have any problems with
those frames, but somehow I am getting errors with this new frame.
Specific error message I got is the following:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Enable'

Take a look at what is on the left side of the ".Enable" where the error happens, and then look at where that thing is coming from. It is probably being loaded from the XRC with an incorrect name.

Please let me know anything that may resolve this problem.
The relevant code is included in the following:

The code is not runnable because of word wrap in the mailer. If you want us to try running it then you'll need to attach the files to your email message instead of pasting the text.


On 8/26/10 7:21 PM, Hang-A wrote:

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman