if column == self.GetMainColumn():
raise Exception("The main column may not be hidden")
self._header_win.SetColumn(column, self.GetColumn
(column).SetShown((self.GetMainColumn()==column and [True] or [shown])
Error is "object has no attribute 'GetMainColumn'"
There should be method GetMainColumn added or these calls should be
changed to self._main_win.GetMainColumn()
If you don't have a defined method called "GetMainColumn" in your
class, then you will see this error. Make sure that there is one.
- Mike
On Aug 5, 3:40 am, Uhzzre <uhz...@gmail.com> wrote:
The code is following:
def SetColumnShown\(self, column, shown\):
if column == self\.GetMainColumn\(\):
raise Exception\("The main column may not be hidden"\)
self\.\_header\_win\.SetColumn\(column, self\.GetColumn
(column).SetShown((self.GetMainColumn()==column and [True] or [shown])
Error is "object has no attribute 'GetMainColumn'"
There should be method GetMainColumn added or these calls should be
changed to self._main_win.GetMainColumn()
I think the OP was meaning to say that wx.lib.agw.HyperTreeList has no
GetMainColumn method, which is the case. So this is a bug in
HyperTreeList. Patch attached.
If you don't have a defined method called "GetMainColumn" in your
class, then you will see this error. Make sure that there is one.
I think the OP was meaning to say that wx.lib.agw.HyperTreeList has no
GetMainColumn method, which is the case. So this is a bug in
HyperTreeList. Patch attached.
Thank you for the patch and for the bug report! Patch applied in SVN.
Well, that's obvious in retrospect. I probably came across as kind of
arrogant doofus then. I need to quit answering questions related to
agw ...
On Aug 5, 4:37 pm, Frank Niessink <fr...@niessink.com> wrote:
2009/8/5 Mike Driscoll <kyoso...@gmail.com>:
> If you don't have a defined method called "GetMainColumn" in your
> class, then you will see this error. Make sure that there is one.
I think the OP was meaning to say that wx.lib.agw.HyperTreeList has no
GetMainColumn method, which is the case. So this is a bug in
HyperTreeList. Patch attached.