Editable listctrl - Save a modified cell

Hello All,

I want to work with an editable ListCtrl (listctrl + TextEditMixin)
and save the modified values.

When a cell has been modified by the user and only at that moment,
how can I do to know it and do what I want ie save the modified item
to a database for instance) ?
I looked at the TextEditMixin. The mixin opens and closes an editor,
but I wonder how I can catch when the editor is closed and on which cell.

I would greatly appreciate any help that would avoid me going on
searching for something which is so basic.

Thanks in advance


I do something like this myself in one of my applications. It looks like I bind to EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED to get the current cell. Here's the relevant portion from my handler:

self.currentItem = event.m_itemIndex

That gets the currently selected "cell", so to speak.

You can use EVT_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT to catch begin editing event and EVT_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT to catch the end edit, I think. That should get you started anyway.
