...i am working on my graduation project and i need to draw some
polygons in Google Earth map automatically using python so any one was
subjected to something like that or have a solution plz respond
ASAP ...given that i was able to open Google Earth from python and
focus on a certain point and also i have no previous background with
using kml....thanks in advance
There are two options:
1) use some sort of inter-application AP
I that google earth has -- and I don't know if one even exists.
2) generate some KML. It's not that tricky really. I"d look at the KML docs, and/or find a sample KML file similar to what you want. Then use that to make a template and fill in your data. You can do that more or less by hand, or with a template engine -- I've done it with Mako -- it' pretty straight forward.
IF you want icons and stuff, then you'll need to package them up in a kmz file -- these can be written easily with Python's zip module.
Note that none of the is wxPython specific.
On 3/20/11 10:53 AM, !!AhmedLegend!! wrote:
...i am working on my graduation project and i need to draw some
polygons in Google Earth map automatically using python so any one was
subjected to something like that or have a solution plz respond
ASAP ...given that i was able to open Google Earth from python and
focus on a certain point and also i have no previous background with
using kml....thanks in advance
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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