I've added the dispatcher module to PyCrust. So it should get picked
up when Robin does the next release of wxPython. That should help any
of the users of Mike Fletcher's utilities. Mike, I've reviewed your
modifications and incorporated most of them. Feel free to let me know
if anything isn't to your liking. And now that I decided to add it to
PyCrust, I suppose we can go ahead and add any wxPython-specific
features that we might want to have.
Patrick K. O'Brien
Orbtech http://www.orbtech.com/web/pobrien
"Your source for Python programming expertise."
That's good news. I've actually been including a copy in wxoo for a while now, but it would be nice to standardise the version used. Let me know how you want to handle the collaboration. I'm most interested in making an OO version to allow for sub-classing operation. I'm flat-out on wxprop/wxoo at the moment, then need to get PyOpenGL 2.0.1 moved to final. After that should be able to spend some time on it (assuming I don't run into a problem in wxoo's use before then).
I'm not that critically interested in putting wx-specific features in, I'm planning on using it primarily on the object-model side of the equation (particuarly making fields/properties/objects in the model watchable, as seen in OpenGLContext), where dependence on a particular GUI lib or storage system isn't desirable. Subclasses with that functionality are useful, but I'd like to keep the core GUI and storage-system neutral.
Patrick K. O'Brien wrote:
I've added the dispatcher module to PyCrust. So it should get picked
up when Robin does the next release of wxPython. That should help any
of the users of Mike Fletcher's utilities. Mike, I've reviewed your
modifications and incorporated most of them. Feel free to let me know
if anything isn't to your liking. And now that I decided to add it to
PyCrust, I suppose we can go ahead and add any wxPython-specific
features that we might want to have.
That's good news. I've actually been including a copy in wxoo for a
while now, but it would be nice to standardise the version used.
Got a link to the file so I can diff against my current version and
make sure it will work for you?
Let me know how you want to handle the collaboration. I'm most
interested in making an OO version to allow for sub-classing
operation. I'm flat-out on wxprop/wxoo at the moment, then need to
get PyOpenGL 2.0.1 moved to final. After that should be able to
spend some time on it (assuming I don't run into a problem in wxoo's
use before then).
If you check out PyCrust from cvs you'll get the latest version that
I'm working on. I don't expect PyCrust to include more than the simple
module approach, so the changes should be minimal and patches will do
just fine.
I'm not that critically interested in putting wx-specific features in,
I'm planning on using it primarily on the object-model side of the
equation (particuarly making fields/properties/objects in the model
watchable, as seen in OpenGLContext), where dependence on a particular
GUI lib or storage system isn't desirable. Subclasses with that
functionality are useful, but I'd like to keep the core GUI and
storage-system neutral.
I agree. That's why I was reluctant to put it in PyCrust. But I needed
it for some PyCrust features and so I gave in. My current thinking is
to keep the module version in PyCrust, and have a separate SourceForge
project for the class-based approach, since this is a generic problem
Patrick K. O'Brien
Orbtech http://www.orbtech.com/web/pobrien
"Your source for Python programming expertise."
I've added the dispatcher module to PyCrust. So it should get picked
up when Robin does the next release of wxPython.
There's one thing (at least) that I have changed in the dispatcher.py
version I use which IMO should also be fixed in the CVS version: It
should be possible to disconnect a receiver which has no active
connections. This code
receivers = connections[senderkey][signal]
except KeyError:
raise DispatcherError, \
'No receivers for signal %r from sender %s' % (signal, sender)
That should help any
of the users of Mike Fletcher's utilities. Mike, I've reviewed your
modifications and incorporated most of them. Feel free to let me know
if anything isn't to your liking. And now that I decided to add it to
PyCrust, I suppose we can go ahead and add any wxPython-specific
features that we might want to have.
Don't know about Mike's utilities, but wouldn't it be useful the keep
dispatcher free from wxPython specific features? Wouldn't it be more
useful to create a subclass for it?