That was the very first tutorial I read. It doesn’t cover working with
alpha in wx.
Today’s Topic Summary
- Two problems
with wx.ListCtrl, style=wx.LC_ICON [2 Updates]- wxImage from
PNG with an alpha channel (try #2 with code) [2 Updates]- Background
Image [2 Updates]- Medical Expert
System GUI | Anchoring widgets [1 Update]- Combo Box, how
to reset but not clear all contents [3 Updates]- Making buttons
not take focus [1 Update]- Window menu on
mac behaves weirdly [1 Update]
problems with wx.ListCtrl, style=wx.LC_ICON
Paolo Crosetto
May 18 08:17AM -0700 ^Dear all,
I am developing an application for a laboratory experiment on human
behaviour in eocnomics.
I am using the Icon ListCtrl (horizontally aligned) to display the
number of players that are in a given situation.
Visually, I have a matrix with a cell for each possible situation. In
the upper part of the matrix, I wanted to display the number of
subject that fall into that category as a list of ‘user icons’ with a
See the screenshot here to visualize what I mean:
The wx.ListCtrl works through the creation of a wx.ImageList that
gets asigend to the ListCtrl
I have two problems with this otherwise very handy solution:
- I am not succeedng in disabling (greying-out) the ListCtrl. Or,
better said: when calling wx.ListCtrl.Enabled I get ‘False’; but,
nonetheless (and as you can see) the icons are still in full colour
and are not greyed-out. I see that wx.ImageList has no function
Disable(), and that might be the reason. In any case: how do I disable
a wx.ListCtrl which has been assigned a wx.ImageList?
- As you can see in the screenshot, There is a space below the row of
icons. It is as if the list needs two rows for the icons, or as if it
keeps space for not-shown labels. I would like to get rid of this
extra space. Is there any way to do it?
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Paolo Crosetto
May 18 08:26AM -0700 ^I forgot: for completeness, here is the code creating the list
def refreshplaylist(self, play_in_cell):
PlayIcons = {1: ‘pl1_small.png’, 2: ‘pl2_small.png’, 3:
‘pl3_small.png’, 4: ‘pl4_small.png’} = wx.ImageList(22,22, True)
for name in play_in_cell:
self.bmp = wx.Bitmap(PlayIcons[name], wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)
self.il_max =,‘black’)
self.list.AssignImageList(, wx.IMAGE_LIST_NORMAL)
for x in range(len(play_in_cell)):
self.img = x % (self.il_max+1)
self.list.InsertImageItem(x, self.img)
self.list.SetItemPosition(x, (2+(x-1)*26,2))
the list is a child of a class Matrix, that subclasses wx.Panel; when
I call Matrix.Disable() it disables all children, included the
ListCtrl; but it seems unable to Disable the ImageList assigned to the
Thanks again,
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from PNG with an alpha channel (try #2 with code)
Ray Pasco
May 18 07:07AM -0700 ^Thanks, but I still haven’t found examples or a tutorial to show how
alpha is handled and manipulated using wx.
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Mike Driscoll
May 18 07:59AM -0700 ^Thanks, but I still haven’t found examples or a tutorial to show
howalpha is handled and manipulated using wx.
Also download the wxPython Demo. In the “Using Images” section, there
is an Alpha Drawing demo and an ImageAlpha demo. There’s probably some
others there too.
Mike Driscoll
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“Brendan Simon (eTRIX)”
May 18 12:20PM +1000 ^On 11/05/10 4:27 AM, Mike Driscoll wrote:
I created a tutorial on how to put an image on the background of a
panel. It might help you figure out how to do it in your
The example at the website above works great for Panels, but does not
seem to work for Dialogs.
The OnEraseBackground() method is definitely being called when objects
are drawn or the window resized, but the background image isn’t drawn
(just get the standard grey background colour).
Any idea why, and how to solve this ??
Thanks, Brendan.
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Mike Driscoll
May 18 07:34AM -0700 ^On May 17, 9:20 pm, “Brendan Simon (eTRIX)”
(just get the standard grey background colour).
Any idea why, and how to solve this ??
Thanks, Brendan.
Probably the quickest way would be to put a panel in the dialog.
Dialogs don’t behave the same way as panels, after all. Robin will
probably know another workaround.
Mike Driscoll
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Expert System GUI | Anchoring widgets
May 18 02:49AM -0700 ^Dear Robin, Steve and Karsten, sorry for the delay in replying. We
have disrupted internet here due to heavy rains.
Robin, thanks for the good idea, lot of widgets dont come into use in
a single session, so creating them on the fly would solve the
Steve, thank you for suggesting wx.aui - my friend Herald who is
developing the GUI is experimenting with it and it looks advanced.
We have a few more doubts - 1) is there a sizer that arranges items
into rows by itself. For eg.if we have 10 items in a horizontal
boxsizer it just fits the screen, and when we add two more it goes out
of screen, is it possible that those new items be added below (in a
new row)? This is important because when we use splitter window and
some one resizes the window, the widgets remain in their exact
position, leaving the expanded space empty.
- Our expert system currently works under CLI - Command line
interface and we plan to integrate this facility in GUI too.(Some
doctors may find it easy to type y/n or 1,2,3 options.) So is there an
easy way to integrate shell prompt like interface into GUI?
What if there’s no answer available to that ? I suppose the
doctor is free to answer another question ?
Yes, he is free to pursue any diagnosis he wants. If no answer is
available, the system reasons but will have less certainty.
There’s rarely a “definite” diagnosis to be head. But I
suppose you don’t mean scientifically definite but rather
definite in a rules-related computational sense.
Yes, we cannot have diagnosis as “definite” until we do a biopsy etc,
but here i mean diagnosis in the sense we use it in GP - most probable
hypothesis to work on.
What GNUmed would like to do (at which point we’d want to
move further discussion to a more appropriate list such as
gnumed-devel which I CCed):
Sure, we can do that or have a separate group for this project.
Currently we are two of us who are working on GUI, and it will help a
lot to have help from more experienced developers. I think we should
begin by building a standalone application that can interact with
expert system, and once we do that we can integrate this into GNUmed.
Does GNUmed have integrated workflow like feature? For eg. a nurse
might take vitals and weight and enter into the system, and by the
time the patient comes in front of physician, his basic demographics
and vitals are already present. If yes, we can further expand this
into a workflow where the physician assistant interacts with the
patient, collecting symptoms based on questions asked by expert
system, feeds them, and by the time the patient arrives to the
physician a detailed history taking is almost done, leaving
examination and investigations for the doctor. This can save time in
busy centers.
entry and be told:
- why the expert system thought this should be considered
- what else should be investigated to increase diagnostic certainty
This is exactly what an expert system does - we want to emulate an
expert doctors thinking, and certainly want to give reasons for each
and every decision the system made.
database) with known guidelines for the health conditions
known to exist in the patient. IOW, monitor management of
Since we want the expert system to formulate the management, it will
adhere to the guidelines. However the doctor is free to add/omit the
drugs so yes, this is a good idea - we may have to track multiple
OTOH, they would be willing to answer a few questions from
the expert system if it helps them detect cases of rare
diseases (“- consider Winiwarther-Burger syndrome”).
Well, Dr.Karsten - the situation here (in third world countries) is
pretty grim - you would be astonished to know about the disastrous
system here. Many people here suffer because of lack of information.
For eg.
Thats only the tip of an iceberg. The only way we can help them is a)
empowering doctors b) health education to people. We see Naimath
expert system, as a solution to both. The patient can feed symptoms in
their own language (eg. diarhoea) and get info about the treatment in
their own language (eg. ORS etc) which will not only clear
misconceptions but also provide timely care. There are plenty more
things to say, but the point is my first target for naimath is to be
solid in these conditions. Ofcourse, we will want to gradually add
more and more knowledge to diagnose rare disorders. (This reminds me
that we also have to discuss the GUI for teaching the system and
inputing knowledge).
controlled vocabs alone cannot ever capture the whole (or
even true) story. Which I tend to agree with from the last
10 years of community medical care.
I would beg to differ here, the symptoms can vary in many ways, but
since we NEED to have them formalized (for the sake of expert system),
i see no problem in solving the research thing.
I will look forward to your reply and we shall move this discussion to
a new place.
Thank you!
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Box, how to reset but not clear all contents
May 17 05:24PM -0700 ^I have a bunch of combo box that users select from a static set of
choices. When they press the clear button on the frame, I want to
reset all the combo boxes back to the default… but I do not want to
clear all the static choices from the box! I know it sounds incredibly
simple, but I can’t seem to figure out how to do this.
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Cody Precord
May 17 10:03PM -0500 ^Hi,
reset all the combo boxes back to the default… but I do not want
toclear all the static choices from the box! I know it sounds
incrediblysimple, but I can’t seem to figure out how to do this.
If you mean you want to set them back to the initial selections then
just call the ComboBox’s SetSelection method to return the selection
back to whatever you initialized them to. (i.e if you didn’t set an
initial selection then ‘mycomobox.SetSelection(0)’.)
Also see SetStringSelection if you want to set the selection based
upon a string the control as opposed to an index.
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May 18 01:51AM -0400 ^just call the ComboBox’s SetSelection method to return the
selectionback to whatever you initialized them to. (i.e if you didn’t set an
initial selection then ‘mycomobox.SetSelection(0)’.)
If any ComboBoxes start off blank, you’ll want to call
Btw, you can do this in a loop, either by collecting your comboboxes
yourself into a list, or if they are on a common parent you can do
something like:
for object in parent.GetChildren():
if type(object) == wx._controls.ComboBox:
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buttons not take focus
May 18 01:00AM +0200 ^idle event.
Robin Dunn
Still not able to click the button with the mouse.
The class looks like this:
class FocuslessWindowMixin(wx.Window):
def init(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.on_set_focus, self)
def on_set_focus(self, event):
inherits from this, and both of the
functions are called.)
Any clue?
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menu on mac behaves weirdly
May 18 12:55AM +0200 ^to disable the items on the menu instead.
Robin Dunn
Okay, thanks.
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