Hello Everyone,
I have a quite ambitious project ahead of me, but I feel it will be worth it in the long end.
Some background:
I am blind. I have been a software engineer for the last 20 years. I have worked with a lot of the more major languages, and some not so major. Anyways, I’ve used all kinds of software packages for development, IDEs, and editors.
Editors are usually developed for sighted people in mind, since they make up the majority of programmers out there, but among the blind there are many programmers, a much higher than average number than that of sighted community and programmers in the sighted community.
We use braille, and screen readers to access the computer. Our technologies are limited by what the program exposes by various accessibility events, and reading the screen draws.
I want to develop an editor for now, maybe someday an IDE, but for now an editor.
I want to have syntax detection, I don’t call it syntax coloring as I will want the information instead of shown in a specified color, it might be indicated via speech or braille to the respective access technology, which I will refer to as Acc.T in the future of this email.
I started by playing with Scintilla’s implementation for WxPython, but I am not sure that I can get at all of the underpinnings that I need to work with.
So, Is there a wx text control that will start at the very basic level, and provide me with raw data?
I don’t mind getting my hands dirty and developing up the control. Or would I be better rolling a brand new widget for this?
Thanks for any ideas or suggestions.