To correct the problem discussed in 'Demo crashing when in folder with
accentuated letters'
Robin Dunn wrote:
Create a patch for it and either send it here or put it on wxTrac. A
patch file is basically a diff from the original to your version. See
What url should I use for my svn checkout? I need to have wxPython
with the demo folder.
March 22, 2010, 6:10pm
for 2.8, or for 2.9 use
(I'll apply the patch to both branches.)
On 3/22/10 10:48 AM, pierreth wrote:
To correct the problem discussed in 'Demo crashing when in folder with
accentuated letters'
Robin Dunn wrote:
Create a patch for it and either send it here or put it on wxTrac. A
patch file is basically a diff from the original to your version. See
wxTrac has been migrated to GitHub Issues - wxWidgets
What url should I use for my svn checkout? I need to have wxPython
with the demo folder.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
I don't understand. There is no 'configure' to start the build. What
should I do?
On 22 mar, 14:10, Robin Dunn <> wrote:
for 2.8, or for 2.9 use
(I'll apply the patch to both branches.)
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
March 22, 2010, 6:50pm
You don't need to build anything just to make changes to the wxPython demo. Just get the demo folder from SVN and use your currently installed wxPython to run it.
If you do want to build everything for some other reason then yoiu'll also need to get the wxWidgets sources and follow the instructions at
On 3/22/10 11:25 AM, pierreth wrote:
I don't understand. There is no 'configure' to start the build. What
should I do?
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
I added the ticket #11852 with the patch.
The line 1024 of demo/ was changed from:
os.path.join(os.getcwd(), GetOriginalFilename(name))
os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), GetOriginalFilename(name))
I just added one character.