Default system and control fonts

Hello list,

I'm trying to find out whenever a control is using its default font
and what is the default font used to draw the control, but I'm facing
some issues:

After a standard control is created (say, a wx.Button), a
GetFont().GetFaceName() returns a 'MS Shell Dlg' string. OTOH, passing
the font to a wx.FontDialog (via wx.FontData() and SetInitialFont())
produces a dialog with the 'Microsoft Sans Serif' font selected. (This
behavior can be seen in the FontDialog demo.)

Shouldn't GetFaceName() return the real face name for a control even
before using a SetFont() on it?

And as for the default system fonts, I tried wx.SystemSettings, but it
didn't work as I expected (again I couldn't retrieve any real name):

[wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(i).GetFaceName() for i in range(0, 9)]

['\xd0\xe5\x12', '\xd0\xe5\x12', '\xd0\xe5\x12', '\xd0\xe5\x12',
'\xd0\xe5\x12', '\xd0\xe5\x12', '\xd0\xe5\x12', '\xd0\xe5\x12',

Any hints on finding the default system and control fonts?


-- tacao