DC.GetSize() and two wxPanels in two wxFrames


In my application I have main window with buttons, sliders, etc and wxPanel.
Sometimes I open another window (wxFrame) with another wxPanel.
I use GetSize() function of DC to calculate size of picture to draw in wxPanel.

  1. When I start application, DC.GetSize() returns correct size of wxPanel
  2. When I open another frame, DC.GetSize() returns corrent size of new, bigger wxPanel
  3. But then… DC.GetSize() of first wxPanel returns the same size as the big one, even if I close the big one

Both panels are created this way:
self.__panel = wx.Panel(parent, size=size)
(size of first one is smaller than second one)

Then OnPaint:

Then in Draw:
viewWidth, viewHeight = dc.GetSize()

I can try to create fully working example of source code which will show this behaviour, but first I wanted to ask, maybe you already see what’s I am doing wrong?


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