testCustomTree.py (1.22 KB)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Oleg Noga <oleg.noga@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 3:27 PM
Subject: customtreectrl.py node editing bug
To: andrea.gavana@gmail.com
Hello Andrea
I have bug when editing tree node with style wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT:
Environment is:
windows xp pro sp3 eng
Steps to reproduce:
run testCustomTree.py
push Create root button
type some text - editor is missplaced to (0,0) corner, editor is
invisible, still can enter text blindly
close app
uncomment line:
run testCustomTree.py
push Create root button
type some text - editor is NOT missplaced, editor is invisible, still
can enter text blindly
close app
uncomment line:
run testCustomTree.py
push Create root button
type some text - editor is not missplaced, editor is invisible, still
can enter text blindly (same behaviour)
enter text
push Create child button
type some text - editor is not missplaced, editor is invisible, still
can enter text blindly (now same behaviour for children)