I was curious if anyone new a way to customize text placed inside of a ListCtrl. What I want to do is to place a string in the ListCtrl and bold a word that matches a string.
For instance I want to take this line of text:
“This is a line of random text”
I want to make the word random bold and the rest of the text normal. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Scott,
I was curious if anyone new a way to customize text placed inside of a
ListCtrl. What I want to do is to place a string in the ListCtrl and bold a
word that matches a string.
For instance I want to take this line of text:
"This is a line of random text"
I want to make the word random bold and the rest of the text normal. Is
this possible?
No, as far as I know. But you may achieve similar (actually pretty
close) result by customizing a wx.grid.Grid to make it look similar to
a wx.ListCtrl, and then write your own custom GridCellRenderer to bold
the words you like. The "Mega Grid" example in the wxPython demo shows
how to customize renderers.
"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."
On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 2:37 PM, Scott Hall wrote: