Custom Collapsible panel. Expert Advise?


I have created a new Collapsible Panel. Need some expert advise if there are any glitches or any enhancement can be done.

Thanks (2.5 KB)


I have created a new Collapsible Panel. Need some expert advise if there are
any glitches or any enhancement can be done.

Very nice gadget, although it looks pretty similar to FoldPanelBar
(wx.lib.foldpanelbar), for which a demo exists in the wxPython demo
under "More Windows/Controls ==> FoldPanelBar). In any case,
congratulations for your new widget! It's always nice to see wxPython
coders creating new tools and sharing them with the community.


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."


On 8/18/08, Prashant Saxena wrote:


Nice widget, I like it.


make it keyboard friendly: maybe open close with arrow keys? (tab
didn't work either in the demo)



On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 9:16 AM, Prashant Saxena <> wrote:


I have created a new Collapsible Panel. Need some expert advise if there are
any glitches or any enhancement can be done.