Creating space for pycollapsiblepane

In de Python Demo code, the collapsiblepane is on a panle by itself and when you click the button the panel itself is made bigger, and when you click again the panel is remade smaller without the extra info the collapsible panel adds, I’m trying to use it with some other panels, and I can’t manage to make either the colapsible panel show over the Multisplitter or make the Multisplitter smaller in order to allow the user to see all the info of the colapsible panel.

I’ll be gratefull of any help! (18.8 KB)

It does as intended when I resize it, so I guess it’s some Layout(), Refresh() or Update call that I had to do in order to see the changes…But if I maintain the window not in full size, works correctly so only works wrongly if is in fullsize…


El lunes, 5 de junio de 2017, 12:19:58 (UTC+2), Marcos del Amo escribió:

In de Python Demo code, the collapsiblepane is on a panle by itself and when you click the button the panel itself is made bigger, and when you click again the panel is remade smaller without the extra info the collapsible panel adds, I’m trying to use it with some other panels, and I can’t manage to make either the colapsible panel show over the Multisplitter or make the Multisplitter smaller in order to allow the user to see all the info of the colapsible panel.

I’ll be gratefull of any help!