Compiling wxPython extensions with distutils?

Hi, I have some C++ that uses wxWidgets, and some swig.i files that
expose them to wxPython. I'm compiling under Linux, and I have some
scons scripts almost working. (the extension .so shows up in the
right place, but the intermediate files and the extension's .py file
are always in my source directory.)

So on some advice I'm trying to use Distutils to compile my C++ and invoke swig.

Does anyone have an example I could follow? I want to do it in my
source directory without putting things in the wxWidgets contribs as
is described here:

So far I have the following The problem is that the C++
compiler doesn't have the options that it would get from wx-config
--libs --cppflags

In Scons, I have env.ParseConfig('wx-config --cppflags --libs') what
is the evivalent in distutils?


from distutils.core import setup, Extension

library = '_bright'
sourceDir = '../../src/'

sourceFiles = [

sources = ["%s%s" % (sourceDir, src) for src in sourceFiles]

includeDirs = [

ext = Extension('_bright', sources,
    include_dirs = includeDirs)

setup (name='vsEdit', version='0.1',
    description='Large File editor',