Combobox / placeholder, helper ,or default value among a list


i have a list carList = [“ferrari”,“porsche”,“tesla”,“dolorean”]

and a combobox comboCar = wx.ComboBox(self.panel1, pos=(400, 100), choices=carList, style=wx.CB_READONLY)

1-i have a blank in the combobox before selecting, where i would like to have written inside “select car” (instead of adding a statictext uppon it) ie a placeholder

2-if i want a defaut choice as dolorean ?.

3-if i just want a helper without placeholder nor default choice ?


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chris tophe wrote:

i have a list carList = ["ferrari","porsche","tesla","dolorean"]
and a combobox comboCar = wx.ComboBox(self.panel1, pos=(400, 100), choices=carList, style=wx.CB_READONLY)

1-i have a blank in the combobox before selecting, where i would like to have written inside "select car" (instead of adding a statictext uppon it) ie a placeholder

Make your list ["--Select car--", "Ferrari", "Porsche", "Tesla", "Delorean"]. You can check in the click handler that they don't choose "--Select car--".

2-if i want a defaut choice as dolorean ?.

You can't have a "select car" option along with a default choice. It doesn't make sense. What would the user experience be here?

3-if i just want a helper without placeholder nor default choice ?

This question doesn't make sense to me, either. Perhaps you should sketch something in a drawing app to show us what you are picturing.


Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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thx !

Le mar. 30 juil. 2019 à 18:36, Tim Roberts a écrit :


chris tophe wrote:

i have a list carList = [“ferrari”,“porsche”,“tesla”,“dolorean”]

and a combobox comboCar = wx.ComboBox(self.panel1, pos=(400, 100),

choices=carList, style=wx.CB_READONLY)

1-i have a blank in the combobox before selecting, where i would like

to have written inside “select car” (instead of adding a statictext

uppon it) ie a placeholder

Make your list [“–Select car–”, “Ferrari”, “Porsche”, “Tesla”,

“Delorean”]. You can check in the click handler that they don’t choose

“–Select car–”.

2-if i want a defaut choice as dolorean ?.

You can’t have a “select car” option along with a default choice. It

doesn’t make sense. What would the user experience be here?

3-if i just want a helper without placeholder nor default choice ?

This question doesn’t make sense to me, either. Perhaps you should

sketch something in a drawing app to show us what you are picturing.

Tim Roberts,

Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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