Situation is like this: I like python I like it very much and IMHO there
is still room for a python GUI toolkit. It seams to me that all available
toolkits have something wrong, you cannot pick a clear winner and altho I
really like wxPython I think it has a lot of problems.
I feel exactly the same.
... <another gui proposal>
Is it feasible? Could it be done?
Don't do it. Put your money on hold. Set down, cold down and think a little.
At least for 30 day trial period
What do you think?
I think the world do not needed another "ordinal" GUI. That the IDEA will be
behind of you GUI? That is the _key difference_? New names for a classes?
New prefix instead "wx"?
I think that improvement of wx is much more worthily.
Well, if you decide to born another GUI, then here is (my) list of key
features for it:
1) Standad unittest suite
2) Standad unittest suite
3) Standad unittest suite
4) Sizers or such.
5) Do not take control over "main" ("main" should reside in application
code, not inside framework).
6) "Free-style" events binding (bind events to any free or member function)
[as opposite to use overloading]
7) Provide access to "platform-dependent" handles (like hwnd, hdc).
That is all. Hope you choose the right option and support wx development
instead splitting the world even more.
Vladimir Ignatov