clearing images assigned to wx notebook pages

I’m able to successfully add an image
to a wx notebook page tab.

How can I then remove that image? E.g., I’d like the image to be only
on the currently

selected tab, so I’d like to use an OnPageChanged event to clear the
image of the previous

page and add it to the current page.

Thx … Bob

BobAtTP wrote:

I'm able to successfully add an image to a wx notebook page tab.
How can I then remove that image? E.g., I'd like the image to be only on the currently
selected tab, so I'd like to use an OnPageChanged event to clear the image of the previous
page and add it to the current page.

notebook.SetPageImage(pageNum, imageNum)

Using an imageNum of -1 should clear it.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!