Classic, Phoenix and exes

I had an issue while creating an exe with Classic in the past with PyInstaller on Win7 (the problem is described here and I had found a workaround

Now I’ve changed the development environment to win10 (the rest is still stock Python 2.7, wxpython 3.02 Classic, 64bit) and the created exe has again problems on some win10 machines (not all).

The symptom is the arrow of the commandlinkbutton not themed as win10 (looks like older windows theme) and in some cases I have my original app freezing or crashing.
I’ve attached a simple app and a spec file for pyinstaller to reproduce (usage: pyinstaller wxsimple.spec) and my questions are:

  • if some of you has had the same problems, how did you solve it (exclude or include dll in the package to avoid conflicts? changed manifest?)
  • creating the exe using wxpython4 seems to work without problems (py2.7,win10) with this simple script (no need to amend the manifest either). Is there something deliberately changed about the treatment of manifests/dlls in Phoenix or for now I can consider it just a case?

thank you in advance for hints

Marco (6.87 KB)

wxsimple.spec (853 Bytes)