I’m unable to change the PointSize in
the controls/pages in a wx notebook once the
notebook is created.
The notebook class below is in a frame. If I set the PointSize in the
frame before
creating the notebook, then everything in the notebook correctly
inherits that PointSize, but the
code below, and every other variation I can think of, won’t change the
point size
once the notebook exists.
Help !?!?!?
class MyNotebook(wx.Notebook):
def __init__(self, parent, id, size=None, pos=None, pointSize=None):
wx.Notebook.__init__(self, parent, id, style= wx.BK_DEFAULT )
def NewPage(self, pageName)
# add a page with a list control
page = displayListControl.ListCtrlPanel(self, group)
self.AddPage(page, pageName)
def MyPointSize(self, pointSize):
for i in range( self.GetPageCount() ):
win = self.GetPage(i)
font = win.GetFont()
font.SetPointSize( pointSize )