I'm looking to use wxpython to display information in running C++/SFML
I've just called this function, as a test...
void my_wxpython_eg(){
"from wxPython.wx import *\n"
"class MyApp(wxApp):\n"
" def OnInit(self):\n"
" frame = wxFrame(NULL, -1, 'Hello from wxPython')\n"
" frame.Show(true)\n"
" self.SetTopWindow(frame)\n"
" return true\n"
"app = MyApp(0)\n"
from a C++ SFML-based animation.
The little wxpython window pops up, and starves the sfml window of
until I close the wxpython window.
I will need this sort of blocking behaviour but do wonder how you
keep the wxpython window open and on top...
switch focus back to the C++/SFML stepping simulation so...
it can continue to step and also...
update the wxpython window as it runs.
As an aside the wxpython window pops up to the far right of the screen
ie well away from the SFML window.
Is there some way I can specify it's x,y coordinates on the screen?
I hope I've made my question clear and look forward to your thoughts.
BTW how's porting to Python 3 going?
Best Regards