change path to my files

change path to my files

this gets the My Documents folder (taken from ConflictSolver)

from import shell, shellcon

return shell.SHGetFolderPath( 0, shellcon.CSIDL_PERSONAL, 0, 0 ).encode()

I suspected there should also be a shell.SHSetFolderPath … but there is no. Do you have any hint where it could be?

(Background: I want to change the path for “my files” to a network-share. Doing this, xp want’s to synchronize all the files everytime I logoff. I don’t want this to happen - so I would do a python-script which attaches the folder to the share AFTER startup and detaches BEFORE shutdown)

best wishes


The shell modules are fairly recent, so most likely you just need to upgrade your Win32all version. I am using build 146 for python 2.2.2, which definitely does have SHGetFolderPath.

As for the particular purpose you are putting it to, never tried anything like that myself.

Hope that helps,

Massa, Harald wrote:



> # this gets the My Documents folder (taken from ConflictSolver)
> from import shell, shellcon
> return shell.SHGetFolderPath( 0, shellcon.CSIDL_PERSONAL, 0, 0 ).encode()

I suspected there should also be a shell.SHSetFolderPath ... but there is no. Do you have any hint where it could be?

(Background: I want to change the path for "my files" to a network-share. Doing this, xp want's to synchronize all the files everytime I logoff. I don't want this to happen - so I would do a python-script which attaches the folder to the share AFTER startup and detaches BEFORE shutdown)

best wishes


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder